You did wha- nvm not surprised

11 2 0

You ran speedy quick outta that mofo alleyway, this is what you get for provoking someone with a knife Y/N

"NO KNIFE RAPE PLEASE" you screamed as you realized you left your rape whistle stuck in that one dudes throat- "Shit-" 

You knew there was an easier way out of it, But you liked things the hard way. "BEWARE, I HAVE WATCHED KARATE KID" you threatened "GET ON THE GROUND" the guy screamed whilst slashing the knife around frantically.

"Ok how about  this" you laid on the ground with an  UMPH  then rolled away


The guy was confused, 'did she just speak in emojis' 

-in ye apartment- 

"GRAMS!! I got your meds" 

Your grandma appeared in front of you " y/n I don't need that weak ass medication" 

"Yes grams i know you prefer crack" 

She rolled her eyes and changed the subject from her felonies  "y/n, are you ready for your new school" 

"Yes but actually no"  

"Tough luck kiddo"

-school time- 

Walking through the doors to midtown, you sighed. You needed f r i e n d s

You trotted in there like you owned the fucking place,  strut strut

'Fake it til ya make it'

"WHERE ART THOU COOL PEOPLE TAKE REFUGE" all eyes were on you for sure 

This chipmunk ass lookin kid walked up  to "hey I'm flash ba-"

"Can I  pay you  to  leave me alone?" You said whilst starting to pull out your wallet

"Uh sure??" You handed him a crisp 20 (it was fake, one of grams talent is  falsifying  money) 

A certain MJ thought what you did earned Michelle points.

You spun around and started to walk away "newbie"

"Yuh yuh?" You responded in typical Logan Paul fashion 

"I like you" she slipped you her number.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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