A Cautionary Tail

Start from the beginning

Reading this, a million thoughts start spinning through the dark haired girls head. But at the same time she didn't care that much honestly.

"She'll probably turn plastic anyway"

But would she? what if she is "immune" to the plastics. But, then again, why would she want to hang out with the space dyke.

You might think, wow Janis, why are you thinking this much? Well, for Janis this is normal. This is what her mind does.

Even when the brown eyed girl is in a simple situation, like for example, a new girl coming to school. Her mind starts spinning and spinning.

Until she ends up having either a massive headache, or worse, having a panic attack. Which doesn't often lead to something too well.

space alien
Dameeeee, its too early for this.

No it's not, as your best friend it's my job to inform you about the latest happenings at Northshore High. And today it's the new girl joining our school.

We should befriend her, maybe she wants to join the theater club. She'll probably be nice, since she's all the way from Africa.

Space Alien
Yes or...

She is just like everyone else at Northshore and will either follow the plastics, or even worse, join the plastics.

Regina will probably act all kind to her and then make her just as bad as everyone else.

Well isn't that fun, that story sounds familiar

Jan, using humour is not a good way to cope with your problems

But we should give her a chance, c'mone jan.

Space Alien
Got to go, meet ya at school

Bye grumpy

Janis threw her phone on the bed and finally walked over to the bathroom, to take a quick shower.

Damians comment made her think. If he is right, she can maybe make a friend, who doesn't know her as the space dyke.

"I can't invite lesbians to my poolparty. What are you janis, a lesbian?"

The words kept on echoing through her head. Even janis doesn't know the answer to Regina her question.

She doesn't want Regina to be right, she doesn't want to give in. But deep down, the brown eyed girl knows the answer. Does she want to admid it? No.

Stepping out of the shower, Janis grabs her towel. Wrapping herself in the soft fabric.

It's 7:10am, school starts at 8.30am and the bus leaves at 8.00am. That means that she has 40 minutes till she has to leave.

Damian lives pretty close to the school, meaning he always goes walking. Leaving Janis alone on the bus.

And apparently, the varsity jocks and JV jocks see this as another chance to mock the dark haired girl. One of those things being shooting spit balls towards the girl.

Janis walks over to her closet and quickly puts on some clothes, definitely not forgetting her green signature jacket.

The jacket was given by Damian as a plain green army jacket. But after less than a month is was already covered in paint and patches.

Damian absolutely adores the jacket, also being the only one (along with janis herself) knowing why she wears it almost every day.

It's one of the only clothing items which don't hurt her scars. Along with the lace tights and jeans shorts. The jacket makes Janis feel safe and secure.

After janis had eaten her breakfast and packed her bag she walks over to her mom and Holly. She hugs them goodbye and walks out of the door towards the bus stop.

Not so ready for another day of school.

As janis reached the bus stop she already sees some jocks waiting. The dark haired girl already knows what's going to happen, very much not looking forward to it.

"oh my god, guys guys. I'm seeing something verg strange"

Shane Oman, the worst of them all. This particular guy has been bullying janis ever since the accident. Shoving the poor girl into a locker. Slamming her against the walls till her back starts bleeding. Locking her into the bathrooms.

All of these things happen on a daily basis. And it's all because of what Regina, the queen B had sad.

One of the guys fake gasps and points out to janis.  "is it what I think it is Shane. This is really creepy" they start walking, they are coming closer and closer to janis.


Wow it has been a looooonngggg time since I've written anything. Somehow I've changed into a theatre kid and I'm absolutely obsessed with mean girls. Jeez do I love the musical. Anyway, this will be a cadnis story since I ADORE them. They would be so cute together honestly.

published: 9-1-20

words: 1350

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