Chapter | 2 | The "Date"

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I've already drank two glasses of sweet red wine. This can't be good. I'm so nervous about my "date" tonight with Tucker Banks, I ripped my nude-colored nylons in an effort to make them fit. Damn those angel cakes.

I throw the nylons in the trash, walking over to my fish tank. Tapping on the glass, I say, "Hi, Oscar." The ugliest fish I've ever witnessed has stolen my heart for the past two years. He's a loner, like me. Well, mostly because every species of fresh-water fish I put in there, he eats. "How do I look?" I spin around, showing off my sleek black dress.

He stares at me with his fishy lips opening and closing.

"I look great? Why thank you!" I smile, then kiss the glass barrier, forming a soft pink lip mark. I turn around, nearly stumbling into the back of my white couch. "I need to lay off the wine."

Looking up at the clock, I notice the time. I need to be at The Fox in thirty minutes. Quickly, I grab my bag and wave to Oscar as I make my way out the door. A drunk couple noisily make their way up the stairs, falling all over the place. Their giggling makes me wish Sam was here, and we were watching Carrie - our favorite horror flick, eating popcorn, and laughing at our inside jokes.

The drunk girl almost falls into me. She checks me out. "I love your dress!" Her words are barely coherent. She smells of a day's worth of alcohol. "You're so fucking skinny."

I laugh, continuing to lock my door. "I appreciate the compliment, but I think it's the booze talking. Have a nice night." I wave, looking between her and the guy beside her, holding the poor girl up. He winks at me. "Uh, you, too."

They stumble down the apartment complex hallway, disappearing into a room. Yikes, if I get that drunk tonight, Tucker Banks will ruin my reputation - little of it that I do have. I shake away the giddy feeling crawling across my skin. So what? I had a couple glasses of wine, I'm feeling fine. I can handle my booze. I decide to take the stairs. Mine as well add in a bit of cardio to burn off those empty calories.

I miss a step, tumbling down a flight.

Laying at the bottom of the stairwell, I look up at the fluorescent lighting on the ceiling. Okay, so I don't handle my booze that well, after all. This isn't good. I don't move, still staring at the ceiling splattered with an array of colors from the food fight the first floor guys got into the other night.

"Are you okay?"

A girl with purple hair, cut short just below her chin, peers over me. Her lips spread into a slow grin. I take notice of the piercing in her lower lip. That had to of hurt like hell. She waves her hand over my face. "Hello? Earth to girl on floor," she says.

I blink. "Yes? Oh, yes! I'm fine." She pushes out her hand, helping me to my feet. "Thank you. I missed a step..."

She laughs. "Shit happens. Glad you're okay."

I nod. "Yeah, more so to me than the usual person, I think."

Her eyes are pretty, blue like the sky. "I'm, Tori."

"Amber," I say with a smile, taking notice of her ripped up jeans, knee high leather boots, and the black tube top she actually wears super well. Oh, and the piercing on her belly button. My hand subconsciously settles over my stomach, wishing at some point in my life I stepped out of my comfort zone.

She walks past me, heading up the stairs, and says over her shoulder, "See you around, humpty dumpty."

My eyes widen. Was she saying I was clumsy or that I'm fat?

She chuckles, as if reading my mind. "Hope you don't mind the nickname, because you fell down and all."

Relief sweeps over me. I smile. "I've had worse names!" Wow, I sound so lame, and this girl is pretty cool it seems. Damn that wine!

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