Brett & Casey: First Time For Everything

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"You're gonna be a great doctor, Emily Foster."

Emily shook her head and gave her friend one more heartfelt, tight hug. "I have loved every minute that I got to work with you, Sylvie Brett."

The girls stayed like that for a solid minute before they broke apart and Emily jumped into action. "Okay, enough of this! We're gonna mess up our makeup."

Sylvie laughed and carefully grabbed a tissue for her face so she could fix her mascara. "You're right; we spent too much time getting ready to mess it up now."

Emily agreed and soon they were in their Uber and off to pick up Stella before they made their way to the new club Emily had been dying to get into.

All three girls were dressed for success. Emily was wearing her favorite hot pink skirt and white button-up. Stella was wearing black leather pants and a tight black bodysuit. While Sylvie was wearing a grey long-sleeved romper with black stilettos and a gorgeous sparkly black clutch. They were hot and they knew it.

As soon as they walked into the club Emily went on a mission and got them the perfect table that was right in between the bar and the dancefloor. Did she chase a few young girls off to get the table...maybe. But, who knows? Sylvie has learned, though, that you never mess with Emily Foster when she's out to have a good time.

Oh, the stories she could tell.

Sylvie would never forget the good times they both had together on sixty-one. Emily has helped her through so much.

"Sylvie, what are you thinking about?" Yelled Stella over the very loud electric music that was vibrating the whole club.

Sylvie looked up at Stella and gave her a small shoulder shrug as they watched Emily dance with the random guy that had just bought them all drinks. "I don't know. I just hate the thought of losing someone else, ya know?"

"Sylvie, you're not losing Emily. She's still gonna be one of your best friends. You all just won't see each other as much."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm just being crazy."

Stella laughed and threw back the shot in front of her, "Aren't you always?"

"Hey!" Yelled Sylvie before she followed Stella's lead and finished her shot of Vodka.

Both girls laughed and carried on for a couple more minutes before Emily ran over and dragged them on the dancefloor.

They danced and drank most of the night away. By the time they left the club and loaded back up in a Uber all three girls were a drunk, laughing mess.

"Hey, we should go to Molly's! I can end my last shift out at fifty-one in style!" Yelled Emily right beside the other girls in the back of the Uber.

Stella immediately drunkenly agreed with Emily. "Yes! Moshy's! That way I can see Kelly."

"Come on, Syvie." Slurred Emily. "What about you? Don't be a party pooper!"

"Molly's sounds fun. Let's go!"

All three girls yelled in agreeance and made their Uber driver cringe before he inquired for new directions.

By the time they got to Molly's, Sylvie felt like she was walking on a boat. Everything seemed to be swaying and moving away from her. She didn't know how Stella and Emily were able to walk. She definitely needed to stop trying to keep up with the two of them when it came to drinking.

"Whoah, Brett! I got you!" Yelled Matt as he leaped out of his seat and swooped in to save her from falling on her face. "How much did you girls drink?"

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