My little Alien

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I had just come home from work. Back home to my tiny one bedroom apartment. It wasn't much, but to me, it meant everything. It had hardwood floors throughout and light brown walls. I placed my stuff on the floor and walked over to me counter,I picked up the picture of me and her and smiled a sad smile. I missed her so much.

I got knocked out of my trance by a noise behind me. I turned around and saw my cookie jar moving. Now I'm pretty sure that they don't actually move.

I moved over slowly and silently. I carefully lifted the lid and a little alien lizard popped his head out of the jar. I was a little shocked and just stared at him. He made his way out of the jar and onto my floor.

When he crawled away I realised that he was poisonous and I needed to get him out of the house.

I grabbed the first thing that I could from the kitchen draws and turned around to see he had gone through the hallway. I ran after him trying to catch up with the fast pace that he is moving.

He got up to the ladder leading up to my bedroom and scaled it with ease. I took a deep breath a stuck the salad fork between my teeth as I climbed the rickety ladder. The ladder wasn't very stable and it groaned under my weight. One day this is going to break on my way up or my way down from my room.

When I had climbed the ladder up into my bedroom I pulled myself up through the hole and took the salad fork out of my mouth. I looked around armed with my giant fork, and carefully searched for this lizard.

I heard a noise and turned towards my bed. Right there was this stupid little lizard that needed to go. I advanced towards him with my fork at the ready to get it out of the house. I had no idea how, maybe just wave to fork around until it ran away and then chase it out the door.

As I got closer the sunlight shone through the one window and I saw how beautiful he actually was. He had electric green eyes, a blue, purple and green scale combination that seemed to sparkle like he had been bathed in glitter.

I lowered the salad fork and stared more at this seemingly beautiful creature. He wasn't from this world, like most of the animals here. He may be able to kill me with one bite, but I just couldn't force myself to cause him any harm.

I slowly walked towards my bed and lowered my weapon choice even more. The closer I got the slower I walked.

"You're not that bad are you fella?"

He just moved his head to the side and stuck out his golden tongue.

"What's your name? What about Jeramy?"

He just lifted his head up and I swear I saw a shadows if a smile on this aliens face.

"Jeremy it is then."

I walked over and sat on my bed and Jeremy crawled into my lap and just fell asleep. He is no longer a strange alien to me. He is Jeremy, and he is my friend.


Hey guy this is nothing special 

Just something I had to do for English inspired by a picture from Shaun Tans the arrival.

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I he you enjoyed it

-me- xox

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