Chapter Four || "Listen, Roasted Pigeon..."

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Inside the New Avengers facility, someone cut the two bread with peanut butter filling into a couple of triangles, as someone else was speaking. The hand belonged to none other than Wanda Maximoff. Her ginger, long hair had gained scarlet tips. She was hearing Quill and Mantis out about their status so far.

"Yeah, we boarded that highly suspect warship Vision pinged, " he told her.

The remaining Avengers and Guardians were calling her via holographic technology. Most of them were paired up. Wanda spoke with Mantis and Quill, T'Challa, Vision and Drax, and Falcon. Quill's hair was a bit longer, like Steve's a few years back.

Quill sighed. "It was an infectious garbage scowl." He fakely smiled and turned from Wanda to Vision and Drax. "So, thanks for the hot tip."

Vision shrugged. "Well... You were closer, " he defended himself. Wanda slightly chuckled.

Mantis nodded. "Now we smell like garbage, " she idiotically laughed.

Wanda turned to T'Challa. "You get a reading on those tremors?" she asked him.

"It was a mild subduction under the African plate, " he reported.

Wanda nodded. "Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?"

T'Challa blinked. "Dear Wanda - it's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it by not handling it."

Wanda's eyes shifted to Quill. "Peter, are we seeing you here next month?" she asked him.

He sadly smiled at her. "Not likely." Wanda slowly nodded.

Sam scoffed. "What, you gonna get another haircut?"

Quill sighed - clearly irritated - and glared, pointing at him. "Listen, roasted pigeon, " he started. Sam raised his eyebrows. "We're covering a lotta territory. The things that are happening on earth are happening everywhere - on thousands of planets."

"Alright, alright. That's a good point, " Sam murmured, more to himself. He then crossed his arms. "But roasted pigeon? Really? Just because I'm a black man with them wings on my back? Cheap shot, Space-Boy." He shook his head, but couldn't hide the small smile he gained.

Quill grinned as his look softened. He turned his attention back to Wanda. "So you might not see us for a long time, " he added. He then shrugged. "But, well, you know us, Guardians - always full of surprises."

Wanda sadly nodded. She frowned as her gaze lowered to her hands. "Alright. Uh, well... This channel is always active. So, if anything goes sideways...anyone's making trouble where they shouldn't...comes through me, " she demanded the team. T'Challa agreed in his language.

Quill sent her a genuine smile. "Okay."

"Alright, " Wanda whispered once again. T'Challa was the first one to cut off his call. Vision blew her a kiss, which she "caught". He tinily smiled as he and Drax (literally) left the chat.

Quill looked at Sam. "Good luck, " he encouraged with a weak smile. Sam nodded, appreciating the gesture. Quill and Mantis left, but not after Mantis waved at Wanda. She returned it.

Wanda sighed exhausted and sat down. She looked up and noticed Sam still online in the call. "Where are you?" she asked.

Sam crossed his arms. "Mexico, " he responded. "The Federales found a room full of bodies. Looks like a bunch of cartel guys. Never even had the chance to get their guns off."

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