Chapter eight

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Chapter 8 Liam's POV

I got in my car because it was 5:45 and I needed to go pick Jessie up. Just as I got in, my mom came out.

"Go change. We are going to dinner." she said.

"I have plans. You already know that, with Jessie." I said.

"Cancel them. We have new plans now. We are going to go to dinner with your aunt Cindy and her three kids."

"But I hate them! The last time I saw Sheila, she stuffed a banana up my nose while I was sleeping. Jacob decided he wanted to punch me in the balls. Victoria tried to make out with me after she explained her boy troubles to me. And Aunt Cindy chased me around the house and told me to hold still so she could paint my nails purple. I don't want to go there and see them." I explained.

"I don't care. They aren't my favorite people either, but my mom said we needed to catch up. Go change and we are leaving in ten minutes."

"Fine, but your ruining my life. I hope you know that." I yelled at her.

"Whatever, Liam." She yelled back at me. I went upstairs and changed out of my tee shirt and jeans into nice pants(only gay guys wear nice pants), and a nice shirt(shirts too). We left and Jessie was really upset whaen she found out I had to cancel. I hate my parents for this. When we got to the restaurant, Victoria went for my lips, Sheila pulled out a banana, secretly though, and Jacob gave me an evil grin. I hate them. When we sat down, Aunt Cindy pulled out a bottle of purple nail polish and asked if I wanted purple nails. I got up and ran to the bathroom. That family is a weird family. One time (shudder) Jacob ran out of his room in only his underwear, screaming "I have to go to the bathroom!" for about a half an hour. I wanted to scream. It was so annoying. Victoria wouldn't stop crying and chasing me around the house. Sheila ate seven bananas and got sick, I had to clean it up from the kitchen floor. Ewwwwww!!!!!!!!! Aunt Cindy and Uncle Mike would not stop fighting and they are divorced now. I don't see him anymore. He's in jail for throwing a computer off of a highway and it hit a car and caused a crash. He turned himself in. Stupid, right? He has two years left. I had to go visit him, my moms fault, and he said he was going to turn himself in for something he didn't do after he got out. He's a crazy man. I walked out of the bathroom and went back to the table. My dad was fighting with Cindy.

"No I will not go out with you! I'm married to your sister!" He yelled.

"But how come she gets the good guy and the good kid? My life sucks." I could smell the nail polish when I walked out of the bathroom. I hate that smell.

"Cindy! You do not ask your sister's husband to go out with you! Your family is crazy! Come on, we're leaving." My mom said and pulled my and my dad out of there. Before we left, I grabbed Sheila's banana, peeled it, and stuffed it up her nose, Victoria told me she loved me, and Jacob tried to punch me again. I ran out of there faster than a freight train! I was texting Jessie on the way home and she told me we got an A on our project. I also told her what I did t my cousins. She laughed over text, my mom was mad the whole ride home, and my dad blasted the radio to drown her out. Oh my family. Gotta hate them. When we got home, I ran up to my room, jumped on my bed, and fell asleep. I was tired. I deamt about Victoria and me making out, Jacob punching me, Sheila eating twenty bananas and getting really fat, Aunt Cindy painting my nails different colors, my parents fighting, and Uncle Mike breaking the jail bars and running around in his underwear. Great dream.

Jessie's POV

I can't believe he blew me off for dinner with his cousins and then went home early and went to bed! Early! On a Friday! He could've at least come over for a little bit. Or not if that's what he preferrs. He is mean! I can't even think about him right now! I mean, he could have still had me come over, but nooooo his parents were 'fighting'. I'm glad though, at least it's Friday. I should've gone to the movies with Emma. Oh wait, she went with Bryson. Her boyfriend. I wish my boyfriend took me to movies. Oh wait, he took me to dinner and asked me to be his the I am no longer mad at Liam. He had to do what he had to do. Even if it meant going to dinner with his stupid cousins, going home ealry and going to sleep on a Friday night, without bothering to invite me over... I'm mad again. He is so.....whatever. I texted Emma and told her to 'go to the bathroom'. She went and then I called her and told her everything. She agreed with me, kinda. Okay, she didn't agree with me because she thought he was too cute to be mad at.

"You have a boyfriend." I told her.

"Yeah, I know. And he's probably wondering where I am right now. So I have to go. See ya." Emma said.

"Fine, thanks for the help. Bye." I hung up. She helps so much. Well, now I don't know what to do. I'm so bored. I did homework for Monday, I was so bored. I cleaned my room(which wasn't very messy), I was so bored. I tried on a bunch of different outfits, I was so bored. Then I sat on my bed and read a book.





9:00 I was over halfway through the book and was getting so tired, I nearly fell asleep reading. But the book was so good, I read some more.




11:00 I was done with the book and I put it away. I went and changed into my pajamas and snuggled up in my blanket. I fell asleep and dreamt about me running towards Liam and him yelling at me to come closer. I tried to run, but I didn't move and he kept getting farther and farther away from me. I woke up screaming. My mom or dad didn't hear me, which was suprising. I went back to sleep and didn't dream after that.


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