he didn't expect nina to loved him back.

nina was good at keeping her feelings. nina admitted she's been in love with him ever since they started sneaking out. nina also revealed the reason she rejected the guy who had a crush on her in sixth grade, it was because she was crushing hard on richard.

they wanted to be together, but they knew they can't. it would be hard to hide out their relationship from people, but if that's what it takes for them to be together, then so be it.

during the days they are dating, there hasn't been a single argument or fight that they have. they cannot believe they would actually fight two years later.

thank god for how strong and understanding they are together. their love for each other is so beautiful and sometimes they wished people would see that, especially their parents.

after they made up, they decided to spent the night together at ricky's room. nini had a good sleep for the first time in a few weeks. she felt safe because of ricky.

ricky feels the opposite. he cannot sleep properly because his mind was on the girl who is sleeping peacefully next to him. he cannot believe his girlfriend would experienced an assault that almost made her become a rape victim. he was mad at himself that he wasn't there to protect her. he blamed himself that the accident happened because his fight with her in the first place. he swore he would never forgive himself because of the accident. he loved nini too much that he could cry on his sleep.

he tried to sleep since two am, but he kept waking up, which is why he's currently carresing nini's bare back under her shirt since five am in the morning. he looked at the time and it was six thirty am in the morning, meaning he has been like that for one and a half hour. he didn't feel tired, in fact he felt really fresh. all he wanted was to go on ethan's door and beat him up, but that would questioned everyone why the hell did he came to ethan's house early morning.

ricky stares at a sleeping nini with a small smile as his thumb works on her back. ricky admires how nini has her eyes closed but she still looks beautiful. her pale lips is opened a little, which somehow he found it adorable and all he wanted was just to give it a long-passionate kiss. he wanted to do the same with her sharp jaw that made her even more attractive. he frowns when he sees her under eyes were a bit dark and he knew from that dark eyes, she hasn't been sleeping well and he hated knowing that. all he wanted was just to make up everything that happened the past few weeks.

seeing nini is like seeing his future. he knows he would be getting laughters when he admits that nini is her future, but he doesn't give a single fuck. he remembered the previous night that nini told him he could bend down on one knee at anytime and she knew the answer already. he really wanted to do that, but as much as he wanted to, he needs everything to be perfect.

seeing nini before closing his eyes to sleep and after opening his eyes to wake up is one of his dreams. he loved how sometimes he's the one who wakes up first and he would showered her with love and affection. he loved how sometimes she's the one who wakes up first and she would give him kisses all over his face to wake him up, which he didn't, and ended up forcing nini to sleep again.

he is sure that nini is the one, the love of his life, his soulmate. he knows it.

and he just hoped that nini feels the same.

ricky moves his hand to her cheek as he rubs it softly with his thumb while admiring her gorgeous face. he sees nini's lips starts to smile as she snuggles up more closer to him, which makes him chuckle. then he moves his fingers to crawl inside her hair while massaging her head slowly.

"you're so comfortable it's so unfair." she mumbles groggily, "i am so marrying you."

ricky's smile lightens up when he heard her saying that.

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