The Singer - J. N.

Start from the beginning

"I am so sorry about them," Kevin apologizes. "Are they always like this?" I finally said. "Yeah," Kevin nods, "Hey aren't you guys the cast of Henry Danger?"

"Yeah. That's us," Sean smiled. "Wow. Y/N always makes us watch your show and to be honest, I'm actually liking it. I find it genuinely funny," Kevin said.

"Thank you. We love your albums. We play your songs during break," I said.

"I'm Kevin by the way," Kevin extends his hand for us to shake and we did. "I'm Jace," I introduced myself and the others followed along.

The three younger Jonas fight finally stopped as Y/N and Nick stood up, leaving Joe laying on the floor. "Oh my God! Your wives are coming over any minute!" Y/N said, "And I want you two to meet the cast of Henry Danger."

"Isn't that the show you always make us watch?" Joe asked while standing up. "Yep!" Y/N smiled. "Wow. It's nice to meet you guys," Joe smiled.

After all the introductions, the Jonas Brothers were called to their respective dressing rooms to get ready. They waves at us before disappearing.

"Let's take a picture!" Y/N said. We gathered around her as she asked one of her artists to take a picture of us before she gets ready. We also took solo pictures with her (and I'll obviously make our picture my wallpaper) and pictures with her with the girls then later with us guys.

Y/N sat on her chair as her make up and hair artists start to prepare her before the concert. We asked questions to Y/N about herself and she asked questions about us.

By the end we're all best friends and we're having a great time.

Once she's done getting ready with everything we walked to the stage and we stood backstage as she greets her brothers and their wives. Y/N greets her sister in laws as the Jonas Brothers approached us. "Are you guys gonna leave after the concert?" Nick asked us. "We don't know, why?" Cooper replied.

"Nothing. We were thinking about getting food after this and maybe you guys wanna come with us," Kevin explained. "Nick's paying," Joe quickly adds. "Wha- Yeah, it's true," Nick laughs. "Are you sure it's alright if we tag along with you guys? Cause this might me a family thing," I said.

"Nonsense! It's all fine," Joe smiled. I looked at the gang who all nodded their heads. "Sure. We'll go," I said. "Great! Well we gotta go, concert starts in three minutes," Kevin smiled. The three brothers quickly hugged us all one by one before they left.

Y/N skips over to us but she tripped and was about to fall but I luckily caught her. "Wow. You have fast reflexes, thanks," she smiled up at me. "Falling for me already?" I winked at her playfully. I watched as her face turns red. "Maybe," she whispered.  I helped her stand up and we smiled at each other. "Good luck. I know you'll do great out there," I said.

"Thanks. And thank you for coming. This just made my day a hundred times better," Y/N smiled. She leans forward and kissed my cheek before grabbing her mic and walked to the direction her brothers went to.

"Ooh!! Get it Jace!" Sean teased me while wrapping an arm around my shoulder. I laughed at my friends as they teased me about my little moment with Y/N.

By the corner of my eye, I can see Danielle, Priyanka and Sophie smiling and giving me a thumbs up.

The Jonas brothers' wives approached us and we all made small conversation as we watched the concert.

Everyone can clearly see how much Y/N loves singing, that it's her passion. The way her eyes twinkled as she sung her lyrics with her heart. She put emotions in her song as she sang her heart out.

Her brothers came up on stage and performed their songs for a bit but once they're done, they stayed with us backstage.

The night was fun and after two hours, Y/N bid goodbye to the crowd and ran backstage.

Y/N ran to us and she quickly jumped in my arms. I spun her around in joy while we hugged each other before I set her down. "That was amazing! I'm so proud of you," I told her.

Y/N is crying which made me coo at her. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" I asked in worry while wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "That's normal. She cries after every concert she's had," Nick explained.

My friends gathered around us and we all group hugged Y/N. "I love you guys. Man, if I knew you all are this cool, I should've barged in on set sooner," Y/N laughed.

Y/N left us as she changed into her normal set of clothes and thanked the whole crew that helped put up her concert before we went to her van waiting for her outside. We all managed to fit ourselves in the van.

Y/N and I sat at the back while taking pictures of each other. She leaned her head against my shoulder as she teased the life away from her brothers and they teased her back.

Over all, I had a great time with Y/N.

Who would've thought that after the concert, she hung out with us and we invited her on set while we film Henry Danger.

Months later, we started dating.


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I hope you guys like this imagine.

Stay safe guys. I love you all. 💋

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