Undertale oc's uwu

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This one is X Silo

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This one is X Silo

Diamond Heart or D

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Diamond Heart or D.H. He is X Silo's cousin.

Chroma! He is with someone

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Chroma! He is with someone..but who? Find out by yourself, he's married with my friends oc.

Uh- I know this isn't related..But I kinda need help on something-
So basically I have this one Timeline where Zodiac and Squincy is the main character and I'm afraid if it sounds well Mary Sue.
So uh- Here I go.
So basically Squincy is Lucifer's child, they were actually the spirit of Zodiac as a child that died to due being executed by Lucifer brutally and that means Squincy was Zodiac of course. The first years in hell, Squincy was seen as a mistake towards other demons because they were too scared to even hurt, kill or posses anything. After around 420 years of living there Squincy has turned into a stronger and more evil demon but Lucifer still sees the, as a disgrace towards the demons since he thinks Squincy needs more proof that they are worthy to have a higher level in the levels of being royalty in hell. So after thta, Squincy decided to leave hell and try and to eliminate every living thing on earth so they can finally proof to Lucifer that they are worthy of the throne. But instead of eliminating every human or living being, Squincy turned into a human again due to Squincy dying as a human and well being reborn again as one. Zodiac was formed but she wasn't free from Squincy since they both share the same exact soul and mind but Zodiac had the more dominant part of the body since they were in an environment for humans. After years Squincy started to get tired of Zodiac always being the opposite of what Lucifer wants, they decided to make threats that Zodiac should starts hurting people or Squincy will have to force her to commit crimes. Yet after all of the threats, Zodiac's kindness still declines on what Squincy has threaten her and she still lives on a happy life. After that Squincy was mad at Zodiac since they have already sent a lot of threats to her yet she still doesn't want to listen. The first thing that Squincy does is that they always sit on her chest and make scratches on her body to show Squincy starting to posses the body, yet Zodiac is  still declining. The second thing is that Squincy enjoys making Zodiac get epileptic seizures and make her bang her head on tables, windows and other hard things. The third thing is when someone is trying to ask Zodiac what's wrong, she would throw the person towards the wall harshly since Squincy was possessing  her. And that was Squincy's last warning yet Zodiac still doesn't want to, and finally since Squincy had already made Zodiac suffer till she was tired, they possessed their while body and started going on a killing spree killing hundreds and hundreds of people in England. After years of Squincy murdering the whole country, they decided to go back to hell and show how much chaos and destruction that they have caused because of their anger and their vengeance towards every demon in hell. Lucifer was proud of Squincy for killing a massive amount of humans, he finally gave them the crown and Squincy was now truly crowned royalty of hell and now, a lot of demons bow down towards them for becoming the new eighth sin in hell. Humanity is now getting weaker because of one demon and now Squincy is prideful and they are now crowned royalty and the only way to kill Squincy, is to make Zodiac posses them but Zodiac is long gone and no one knows where she is..The End.

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