David and Ferguson slowly walked up to the edge of the cave and as they did, David helped him up the small incline just before the edge of the cave.

     "All I'm offering is the truth," David said to the old man, stealing a line from one of his favorite movies. "I can't promise you'll like what you see."

     "I understand," Ferguson said, "Lead the way, young man."

     As they walked into the cave, David led Ferguson to the middle where Ricky was standing. There was a pinkish orb of energy around his brother, and he was standing there in silence, literally in another world.

     "What is he doing?" Ferguson asked, looking at Ricky.

     "He's time traveling." David answered. 

     "How do you do this?" Ferguson asked, "Where does this energy field come from?"

     "It's all in the cave," David explained to him. "We stand here and close our eyes and think of a time and place we want to be. If the cave, or the Portal as we call it, agrees to our request then a bright light will appear at the back of the cave and roll towards us like a runaway train. When it hits us, that's how this is formed. We are sent to the time and place we asked for and we stay there for forty-eight hours."

     "So where is he right now?" Ferguson asked.

     "He's still here in the cave," David answered, "You see the Portal animates what we call an astral projection. That projection is what gets sent out to the time we ask for, while our real body stays here in the cave."

     "That's why you didn't die at the hospital," Ferguson said, thinking about it more. "We shot your projection, not your actual body."

     "That's correct," David said, "After I was shot, I returned here to the cave and woke up, unharmed."

     "Did it still hurt?" the old man asked.

     "It sure did," David confirmed, "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy."

     "So where is his projection right now?" Ferguson asked.

     "I'm not sure," David lied, "He's been in here for a while, oblivious to what's been going on outside."

     "Amazing," Ferguson said as he admired the pink orb around Ricky. "He could literally be anywhere."

     "Pretty much," David confirmed, "But it doesn't work for everyone."

     "How do you know?" the old man asked, "Have you tried to let someone else give it a go?"

     "Not me personally," David replied, "But I was told by my brother and other family members that the portal only responds to members of my Dad's side of the family and no one else."

     "What if they were lying?" Ferguson snapped back, "Just to keep this amazing portal all for themselves?"

     "That's entirely possible," David conceded, "I never tried to let someone else use it to see what would happen."

     "Can I try then?" The old man asked.

     "You're here," David said, "I can't see why not. Just stand at least ten feet away from my brother, right over here. If you guys bump into one another, it could cause problems or might even harm you."

     "Alright," Ferguson said as he moved to the spot indicated. "What now?"

     "Close your eyes," David continued, "Think of the time and the place you want to be and if the Portal accepts your request, you'll feel a huge breeze hit your body and that will take you to your desired location."

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