Chapter Eight: Date?

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(Y/N) POV:

I spent all weekend waiting for Sunday. I went out with my dads on Saturday and since dad Tatsuo picked the place this time, he of course picked the mall. It wasn't all bad since I got a knee length yellow dress with a criss-cross open back and half sleeves.

Tanaka had texted me that he'd pick me up in front of the building at one. I checked the time and saw that it was 12:50 and started panicking.

I opened my closet and realized that I didn't pick out my outfit. I took out the dress I bought yesterday and figured that it'll do.

I tossed the dress on and smoothed it out. I don't usually wear dresses so it was weird to see myself in one. I pulled out a jean jacket as well and put it over the dress for added flair.

I put on some sneakers because they're always comfortable. I didn't care if it went with the dress or not, my feet didn't want to pay the price.

I shoved my phone and wallet in my jacket pocket then buttoned it closed. I opened the door and left my room.

"I'm going out!" I yelled at my parents who were in the living room.

"Say hi to Tanaka for me!" Yelled dad Aki.

"Why do you assume I'm going out with Tanaka!?" I called back.

"Are you?" Questioned dad Tatsuo.

"Well yeah-"

"We rest our case! Also you're wearing a dress and have no other friends! Love you, have fun!" Dad Tatsuo called out and waved.

I shook my head and walked downstairs. When I made it to the front of my building, I was going to take my phone out to call him but instead saw a gray string leading in front of me.

I looked up to see Tanaka standing and waiting. He wore a black t-shirt and jeans. I don't know how he could wear black in the summer.

"It's like a tracking device." Tanaka said.

I chuckled a little. "I guess so, where are we going today?"

"Well, you're dressed so nicely that it'd be a shame if it wasn't shared. There's a bunch of food stands that popped up nearby so I figured we'd check it out."

"Sounds good, lead the way." I walked up next to him.

Tanaka took my wrist and started leading me to where he wanted to go. I still was wondering if this was meant to be a date.

"Hey Tanaka?" I asked.

"What's up?" He turned his head in my direction and kept walking.

"Is this a date?"

His eyes widened and he faced forward again, "if you want it to be. I did mean it as one but if you don't want it to be a date, it won't be a date."

"Then it's a date." I giggled a little.

Tanaka had a big smile on his face the whole way to the place. He led me up some stairs and there was a walkway. All across was food stands and little kiosk stores.

Strings (Ryuunosuke Tanaka x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon