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Woo slowly turned the door knob, and opened the door.

Even tho he knew San was coming over he was still shook, San looked so hot.

Woo was staring at San for the longest,

"Is there something on my face?" San joked.

Woo snapped out of his daze and blushed for no reason,

"N-no, come in" Woo said moving out of the way.

San entered the house and had looked around,

"Wow nice house".

"T-thank you" Woo smiled a bit.

"Where will i be sleeping for a week?" San had asked.

"T-there's no guest room, but you could sleep i-in my room if you want i-i could sleep on the couch" Woo said while playing with his fingers.

"I'll sleep on the couch" San said.

"I-i want you to be comfy tho" Woo said with a pout.

"Then we can both sleep on the same bed if you don't mind" San said with a chuckle.

"I-i'm fine with that" Woo blushed and looked down at his shoes so San wouldn't see him blushing.

"Are you blushing?" San asked while smiling.

"N-no" Woo said still looking down at his shoes.

San lifted Woo's chin up with his finger, Woo blushed even more harder as he and San both made eye contact.

"You look even more adorable in real life" San smiled.

Woo smiled at that, his eyes wondered to San's lips.

San noticed that and had smirked a bit before backing away.

"So where is your room?" San asked.

"F-follow me" Woo said and had led San to his room.

San had followed behind Woo while smirking a bit as he examined Woo's figure, noticing how thick Woo's thighs were.

Soon they had entered the room, 

"Here the room is" Woo said turning around too look at San.

San had quickly looked up, and looked around the room trying to act as if he wasn't just staring at Woo's ass.

"Your room is very nice" San smiled at Woo.

"T-thank you" Woo smiled back and sat on the bed,

"So what do you want to do?" Woo had asked.

"Do you really wanna know?" San smirked.

Woo blushed and nodded.

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