NLMG Part 5 - B

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Don't Khushi me. Go get ready, I already placed your suit on the bed", said Khushi sternly and gesture with her hands for him to go.

"Mood spoiler", said Arnav in annoyance and taking his clothes he went to washroom. Khushi giggle more seeing the irritated expression on his face. He looks so cute like that, thought Khushi.

Arnav came out after few minutes, his face was still grumpy. Khushi hand him his wallet, cell phone and car keys. Arnav took his laptop bag and went towards the door. Khushi grabs his arm to stop him.

"Don't be upset Arnavji, please.", said Khushi with a pout. Arnav sighed and turn to look at her, who was now looking at him with love.

Arnav smile at her and move close to her, giving a peck on her forehead, "I am not upset". Khushi give him a smile and tap on his chest, "Go, I will be waiting for your return", and look down shyly.

Arnav flick her nose, "Me too". And then left for office.

Khushi went to his travel suit case and started to take out clothes, sorting them. She put the clothes for laundry to side and put others in their places in the cupboard. Then she went to washroom and takes out the laundry basket and put clothes in it to be washed and put at side of cupboard. Then she started arranging things in the room, doing dusting as well. Khushi had only allow the servants to do sweeping of the room floor, rest she do it herself, as she like doing it. When done with this task, she went on changing the bed sheet and pillow covers. While doing so, she remembers their last night together, full of love and passion. She blushes remembering all this and started to miss Arnav. She looked at the clock and realize that its only 1 and half hour that Arnav has left and she suddenly wanted to be with him. She took her phone, thinking to give him a call but then rejected the idea thinking that he will be busy in work.

The situation was not different with Arnav, he had work but his mind was focus on only one person. He just cannot stop thinking about their last night making love, and craving for her presence. He move away the file, which he was supposed to finish but couldn't. He picks up his cell and call Khushi.

Khushi quickly pick up her cell and a big smile came on her face seeing Arnav's name flashing. "Hello Arnavji", she said with happiness.

"Hey", said Arnav feeling happy hearing her voice and could feel her excitement.

"You know I was thinking to call you just a minute ago", said Khushi.

"Ahan ... then why didn't you?", asked Arnav.

"I didn't want to disturb you, I thought you will be busy", said Khushi.

"Khushi ... do I need to remind you again and again that you are my wife and you have rights over me?", said Arnav in sternly.

"Arnavji I know ... but ..", Khushi was saying when Arnav cut her, "No buts Khushi, you can call me whenever you want, if I will be busy I will tell you but don't decide yourself."

"Ok Arnavji, whats the need to always scold me?", said Khushi pouting.

Arnav sighed as he close his eyes, "I wish I could be with you now, I would just kiss your pout then".

"Haww", Khushi mouth open in an O listening to his words, "Arnavji ... you are ... why are you saying all these stuff from last night".

"What stuff Khushi?", asked Arnav innocently.

"Arnavji, you know what I am talking about", said Khushi.

"No Khushi I don't know, tell me na", said Arnav.

Khushi huffed with irritation, "You ... you ... are talking all the mushy mushy stuff ... you never did that before".

Arnav chuckled, "So whats the problem, before I didn't vocalize much about my feelings which resulted in you doubting things. So I think I should say more things like this".

Arshi FS: Never Let Me Go  [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon