Chapter 2

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(Previous chapter)
"but that's impossible"charlie said "but mr. and mrs. wonka did it" joe said

Chapter 2 starts now
"-before long they decided to build a proper chocolate factory the largest chocolate factory in history 50 times bigger as any other." Mr and mrs wonka cut the red ribbon and walked forward, and then turned around and people cheered. Grandma Josephine and Grandpa Joe clapped their hands and kissed "Grandpa, don't make it gross" Joe just smiled "tell him about the indian prince. He'd like to hear about" Grandma Josephine said " you mean,prince pondicherry? Well, Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to mr. and mrs. wonka and asked them to come all the way out to india and build him a colossal palace, entirely out of chocolate." grandma georgina laughs a little even though she didn't knew what they are talking about.
"It will have 100 rooms"mr. wonka said "and everything will be made of either dark or light chocolate" mrs. wonka said
"True to their words the bricks were made of chocolate and the cement holding them together was chocolate all the walls and ceilings, is made of chocolate as well. S were the carpets and the pictures and the furnitures"

"It is perfect in every way" Prince Pondicherry said to mr. and mrs. wonka "Yeah, but it wont last long" mrs. wonka said warning the prince "You better start eating right now."mr. wonka said Prince Pondicherry just scoffed and said " Nonsense!.I will not eat my palace i intend to live in it." and licked his finger that touched his chocolate throne "but mr. and mrs. wonka was right of course.Soon after this there came a very hot day with a boiling sun "Prince Pondicherry hummed after the princess gave him the chocolate, then a drip of chocolate drop on his forehead. And his eyes widened the princess just looked up, then Prince Pondicherry just dip his finger in his forehead and licked it and laugh. The princess just smiled at him after a while prince pondicherry's laugh was cut off because a chocolate drip that dropped once again on his forehead, then now they saw that the chocolate palace is now melting. They quickly stand up running to exit of the now melting palace "the prince sent an urgent telegram, requesting a new palace. But mr. and mrs. wonka was facing problems of their own. All the other chocolate Maker's you see, has grown jealous of mr. and mrs. wonka, They began sending in spies just to steal their recipes" there are two man who we're the last ones to get out of the factory has looked at each other, the chubby one picked out an envelope that said secret recipe and give it to the man who i think was hired him to steal mr and mrs wonka's recipe "fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt, prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost it's flavor, then slugworth began making candy balloons that you would blow up to incredible sizes" A slugworth worker checks the boy with the biggest balloon that made out of candy and then it pop "the thievery got so bad, that one day, Without a warning. mr. and mrs. wonka told everyone one of their workers to go home. They announced that they are closing their chocolate factory forever" "were closing our chocolate factory forever" Said mr. wonka " were sorry" mrs. wonka added.l, then both of them went in the factory.
"But it didn't close forever, It's open right now" Charlie said after he sip the soup "ah,yes. Well, sometimes when grown-up's says 'forever'" mrs. bucket said "such as i feel like I've eaten nothing yet but cabbage soup" Grandpa George said "now pops" Mr. Bucket warned "It did close charlie" Grandma Josephine said "and it seemed like it was going to be closed forever,then one day we saw smoke rising up in the chimney's. The factory was back in business" Grandpa Joe added "did you get your job back?" Charlie asked "No. no one did" Grandpa Joe answered "but there must be people working there" Charlie said "think about it charlie, have you ever seen a single person walking into that factory? or coming out of it?" Grandma Josephine asked "No. the gates are always closed" Charlie answered "exactly" Grandpa joe said "but then who's running the machines?" Charlie asked again "nobody knows charlie" "it's certainly a mystery" mr. and mrs. bucket said "Hasn't someone asked Mr and Mrs wonka?"charlie asked again "Nobody sees them anymore. They've never come out of the factory, the only things that comes out of that place is the candy already packed and addressed. I'd give anything in the world just to see one more time and see what becomes of that amazing factory." Grandpa Joe said "well you won't. Cause you can't, No one can. It's a mystery and it'll always be a little mystery. That, little factory of yours charlie is as close as any of us is ever gonna get" Grandpa George said as Grandpa Joe lowered his head "Come on, Charlie i think it's time to let your grandparents some sleep" mrs. bucket said as Charlie sip the bit of the soup in his bowl "goodnight, Grandpa George" as he kiss grandpa george's cheeks " Goodnight, Charlie" as grandpa George smiled at him "Goodnight, Now" Charlie said to everyone as mrs. bucket passed a chair to mr bucket "Thank you, Dear"mr. bucket said to his wife.

That's all for chapter 2 hope you all like it im sorry if i dissapointed you it's my first book. i just watch the movie then i write it
Words counted:943

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