💫 Chapter One : Streaming 💫

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🌠 Bandit IRL 🌠

Today is a big day. I woke up early for this event, that's been planned for weeks. Today, my friends and I are doing a challenge. We're calling it Race To The End. Basically, there are two teams, and each team is racing to beat the ender dragon. Although there's no prize, my friends are all competitive.

The first team is me and my best friend Marley, aka Mars. Team Two is our two friends Jax, aka Jax_crafty, and Wade, aka Doctor Moo.

Currently, I was sat at my dining room table eating a bowl of oatmeal. I was super tired, having stayed up late the night before, working on all the details for the challenge. Usually we'd be recording these types of challenges, but a while back Wade tweeted out a poll for the fans to decide wether we stream it or record it.

Either was okay with me because I'd wind up taking the Vod from my stream and shortening it for my channel anyways. Suddenly, I was startled by my phone dinging. I looked down to see that it was a message from Marley.

'Get on discord. g1'

I frowned, texting her an okay, and grabbing my bowl. I moved to my office, grabbed my blanket, and turned on my computer. Once it was on, I wrapped my blanket around my shoulders, and shoved a spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth.

Once I was logged on, I opened Discord to see that everyone was in general one of the Grove Discord server. By everyone, this meant, Mars, Jax, Doc, and many of our friends who will be watching the stream.

I pulled my headphones over my head and pulled my mic over to me. Then, I clicked on the General One tab. "Hi!" I spoke cheerfully, causing whatever conversation to stop. "Hi Pipe!" "Hi Bandit!" "Hi Piper!!" everyone called out. I then muted myself and listened as Doc explained what was happening.

"So. As everyone knows, today is the big day. We have two teams of two. Team One, Bandit and Mars, and Team Two, Jax and myself. When we first start our streams, everyone will be in the same voice channel, but after we split off, we head to different channels. For the first five minutes, there's no pvp what so ever." He explained, making sure everyone was muted so he could talk.

"Now. I know this is a bit unexpected, but I do have a surprise for everyone once the stream starts! I won't tell you yet, so you'll just have to wait."

With that, everyone left the call to get ready. I planned on doing a face cam for this stream, so I needed to get ready. Getting dressed was a fast task. I put my bowl in the kitchen and rushed back to my office. Time was ticking.

I set up StreamLabs, and sent out my tweet.

Once everyone was ready, the people that weren't part of the challenge left the call, and I joined, followed by Jax and Mars. "You guys ready?" He asked, the sound of typing in the background. I chuckled and smiled. "Ready to win." I said, earning a giggle from Mars.

Doc private messaged us the IP for the world, and we all logged on. "Everyone start your streams." I spoke, going over to StreamLabs, and pressing start. I then hit my Right Alt key to mute myself in the call. I waited for the notification to go out, and suddenly everyone started flooding in. "Hi guys!" I said, waving to my camera as I backs any chair up, and brought my legs to the seat, and sipped on my water.

I had copyright free Lofi music playing in the background that I was jamming to. Once I saw a message from the discord pop up, telling me to unmute, I smiled. "Okay guys. Today is the day. Today is the challenge! Team Girls for the win!" I said, moving back to my desk, and hitting right alt. "Okay. I'm ready." I said, un-pausing my Minecraft, and jumping around.

"Okay. Now. Everyone has their streams going. So now it's time to reveal my surprise. Give me like two seconds." Doc said, making me furrow my eyebrows. I shrugged it off and started hitting at Mars' character. Pvp was currently off, but it was still fun to me.

"Okay. So. I know that I didn't put stakes on the line. But. A good buddy of mine is offering 100 grand for the winning team." Doc said, making me gasp. "Yo what? That's so cool!" I said, smiling wide. I looked at other monitor, seeing chat freak out. "Mars, there's so much more on the line besides our dignity now!" I spoke, watching as her character looked over at me. "I know!!!" She cheered.

After a few minutes of fucking around, our five minute grace period began, and pvp was still disabled. Now it was just Mars and I in a channel. "Go go go. I'll get tools you get food." I called out, running away from spawn, which was in a planes biome. It slowly blending into an Acacia biome, which hopefully meant a village. Mars ran off to kill the cows that Jax was going after, while I got the wood. I chopped down two trees, made a crafting table, wooden pickaxe, and dug down until I hit cobblestone. Then, I collected as much as I could, and towered back up with the dirt.

I glanced over at the timer and saw we were down to three minutes left. "Okay, I've got two furnaces, and all the tools we need. I think that they're gonna head over into the Acacia area to look for a village. So, I say we head the opposite way, and pray for a desert." I said, earning a Minecraft nod from Mars.

The rest of the challenge was going well, for the most part we were able to avoid the boys, found a desert temple that had quite a bit of iron, a ruined nether portal with a silk touch pick, and a few other things. We were now an hour in, and Mars and I were in a mineshaft, looting it and collecting all the ores. None of us have made it to the nether yet, but Mars and I were super close. We had already found were we are gonna make our portal. Our goal right now is to find diamonds, and gravel, lots... of gravel.

"I've got like six stacks. of gravel and sand. Each. How much redstone do we have?" I asked, opening some of the chests we had in our little cave. We had a finished nether portal ready to be lit, beds set for a respawn, and so many other things.

"I think we're ready." Mars said, lighting the portal. I smirked, and nodded in game. We already knew that the boys had been following us for a while. We were able to loose them after a while, but they were coming to say the least.

With a bit of gold armer on, and the rest being diamond, which we found earlier, we hopped into the portal.

Bandit has made the advancement [We need to go deeper]
Mars_ has made the advancement [We need to go deeper]

A/N: Woah. chapter one.. let's goooo.

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