definitely Professor quirrell!

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         Gracie's pov
Me and Harry were walking down the stairs and finally we got to the bottom of the stairs.

Then harrys scar started to hurt again.

Harry are you ok I asked worryed about him.

Ya it just burns lets keep going he said.

Then we saw professor Quirrell.

You! said harry.

Oh no I said.

No! It can't be said harry.

Snape he was the one said harry.

Yes he does seem the type, doesn't he said professor quirrell.

Next to him who would suspect p-p-p-poor s-s-s-stuttering professor quirrell he said.

But-but that day during the quidditch match snaps tryed to kill me harry said still holding my hand for confront.

No derlar boy I TRYED TO KILL YOU he said.

And trust me if snapes cloak didn't get catch on fire and broken my eye contact i would have been succeeded he said.

Not even snape muttered his little counter-curse he said.

Snape tried to save me harry said.

I new you were a danger to me right from the off especially after Halloween he said.

T-then y-you l-let t-the t-troll in said harry

Right good one yes very good mr potter he said oh I see we have a little guess here he said.


Oh my looks like I kbiw your weak spot then its the girl he said then he said

Accio girl

Then I started to move away from harry to professors hands he put his wand to my head.

I was scared.

Let her go harry said

Then professor turn around used the mirror seeing he as the stone in his hand.

Then I heard a voice saying use the boy if he doesn't come hurt the girl to make him come to the mirror said the voice.

Come here Potter know or ill hurt the girl he said.

Then he walked to us.

Tell me what do you see he said while I was still has the wand on my head.

Then harry gasped.

What is it what do you see said professor.

Im shaking hands with dombledore harry said.

I've won the house cup harry said.

Hes lieing hurt the girl the voice said.

The he used the cruciatus curse on me.

I screamed in pain.

Tell me know if you don't I'll keep doing it to the girl.

He stopped hurting me.

So tell the truth What do you see he said.

Let me speak to him the voice said.

Master, your not strong enough professor said.

I have the strength let go of the girl but put a spell on her to make shure she doesn't move.

Ok master.

Then he said a spell I screamed in pain while he took off the purple thang on his head.

After it was off professor take off the spell and grabs me.

Harry potter said VOLDEMORT.

We meet again he said.

Voldemort harry said.

Yes he said.

You see what I have become he said.

See what I must do to survive he said again.

Live off another he said.

Unicorn blood can substan me he said.

But it can not give me a body of my own he said.

But there is something that can he said.

Something that can complete me something that lies in your pocket he said.

Professor throws me to the grown harry quickly takes me and runs with me in his arms.

I passed out after fire is around us.

     Harrys pov:
No garcie passed out.

Don't be a fool said voldemort.

Why suffer the horrific death said voldemort.

When you can join me and live Voldemort said.

Never I said.

Then voldemort laughs and says


Your parents had it, too said Voldemort.

Tell me harry would you like to see them again? Voldemort asked me.

I did want to see them again but I can't there dead I thought to myself.

Whould you like to see your mother and father again said Voldemort.

Together we can bring them back said Voldemort.

Then I saw my parents telling me don't join him.

All I ask is for something in return said Voldemort.

Then I took out the stone.

Thats it harry Voldemort said.

There is no good or evil said Voldemort.

I look at my parents.

There is only power he said.

And those too weak to seek it said Voldemort.

Together we can do extraordinary things he said.

Just give me the stone he said.

You lier I scream.

Kill him he said.

The professor flew to me to attack me but I put my hand on is hand and he started to scream in pain.

Then I look at my hand then get up.

What is this magic professor said.

Foul get the stone said Voldemort.

Then I ran and

I touch his face and he screams even more.

Then he turns to dust and falls over.

I look at the stone and walk to it and to grab it.

I grabbed it and walked to Gracies body.

I was about to pick her up when I saw Voldemort form and goes straight through me while screaming I scream as well then I hit the foor by gracie and then I passed out.


And know it's time for the last chapter go on read the last chapter.

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