But without warning all of a sudden, my scar started burning furiously. I felt my wand slip from my fingers and I grit my teeth in pain, pressing a hand to my scar as my knees buckled, the corners of my vision going black.  

From what felt like miles away, I barely heard a cold voice whisper. 

"Kill the spare." I managed to turn just enough to see Harry clutching his scar, before looking at Cedric. Feeling like my wrist was splitting into two, I lunged forward to push Cedric out of the way-

A blast of green light blazed through my eyelids, and I heard something heavy fall to the ground beside me; the pain in my scar reaching such a pitch that I screamed into the night before it suddenly diminished and I hesitated a few moments before opening my stinging eyes, dreading the sight I knew would meet my eyes.

Cedric was lying spread-eagled on the ground beside me. He was dead.

For a second that contained an eternity, I stared into Cedric's face, at his open gray eyes, blank and expressionless as the windows of a deserted house, at his half-open mouth, which looked slightly surprised. And then, before my mind had accepted what I was seeing, before I could feel anything but numb disbelief, I felt myself being pulled to my feet and dragged towards the marble headstone by the short man in the cloak. I glanced at the name on the headstone flickering in the wand light before I was forced around and slammed against it. 


The cloaked man was now conjuring tight cords around me, tying me to the headstone and I inhaled sharply as the rope cut into my still burning wrist. I could hear Wormtail's shallow, fast breathing from the depths of the hood. I tried to kick Wormtail before he choked me to death with the ropes but he hit me with a hand- a hand that had a finger missing. Harry, a few feet away, blinked the pain out of his eyes and looked up from me struggling to Wormtail fumbling over the knots, checking the tightness of the cords. 

"Don't you lay a hand on her!" Harry said suddenly. Wormtail didn't reply, making sure I couldn't move an inch as his trembling fingers tied the cords even tighter. 

"Fuck!" I hissed in pain as Wormtail tightened the cord around my neck. "I'll die before Voldemort gets the chance to kill me, you fucking psycho!"

"Hey!" Harry yelled, glaring at Wormtail's back, "did you hear me? Stay the hell away from her!" Wormtail, after finishing almost murdering me with his stupid ropes, went over to Harry and began to do the same thing to him which he had done to me, tying Harry beside me so tightly that both of us were barely able to move. 

"You!" Harry gasped, recognizing Wormtail, who didn't respond. I slowly remembered that I had kept a small pocketknife in my back pocket, thanks to Sophia's dad having said multiple times that we should always be prepared for something bad to happen when we were younger, and tried to subtly move just enough so that my hand could reach the knife as Wormtail tightened Harry's ropes. Wormtail suddenly took a step back and drew two long black rope-like thing and stuffed one roughly in my mouth, before shoving another one in Harry's, who gasped and almost choked, before the short man turned around and hurried away. 

My fingers finally managed to barely touch the handle of the knife, and I grunted quietly in pain as the ropes binding me to the marble tightened around my arm as I tried to twist it enough to grasp the knife.

Finally gripping the knife, I turned my wrist and managed to cut through the ropes binding my wrists together, before working on a few others so Wormtail would still see I was tied up, but now I was able to move, and, if needed, I could simply slip right out of the ropes and fight. I shuddered to myself as I pulled the gag out of my mouth and turned over to Harry, working on his ropes as he stared at me in shock. 

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