Chapter Seven

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Avery continued life as normal. As normal as her life was in Hawkins.
Every day she would attend school and improve on her grades and everyday was another day of avoiding Billy. The boy she had fallen head over heels for. Avery tried to hide how she felt but it hurt her when she saw him walking around near the school. He didn't seem fazed about anything. Avery also noticed that he had a new brunette girl hanging of his arm.

Nancy had begun making conversation with Avery again trying to put things behind them. She even offered for her to come for a sleepover with her and some other girls but Avery turned her down and made a promise that she would go another time. Avery often wished she could be like Nancy. Not popular but not hated either. Nancy was also pretty, not that she really made any effort.
Nancy rarely spoke to Jonathan or Steve anymore and only hung around if something was going on and was important.
Jonathan was secretive and only spoke when he wanted to. He always tried to make a effort towards Avery and the two had become quite good friends. Nancy regretted breaking up with Jonathan but the two remained friends. They hung out sometimes but never stayed over at each others houses anymore. Nancy was focussed on getting into a good college whilst Jonathan was stuck on what to do and often found himself looking out for his younger brother and helping his mother.

Steve was also often found hanging out with Avery but now he was not so popular, not that he cared he was often babysitting Dustin and making sure he was staying out of trouble. If he wasn't with Dustin he was with Robin working at Scoops Ahoy. The icecream shop.

Avery stayed over at the Byers house or crashed at Steves when is parents were away but recently had been told that she could move into her Aunt's old house and live there. Joyce offered to help her decorate.

The school day dragged like usual and was just as boring and stressful as any other school day. Avery was looking forward to meeting up with Joyce at her shop and buying supplies to paint the house she will be moving in to soon.
The bell rang signalling that the day was over and Avery followed the crowd of noisy students out of the building and into freedom.
Avery walked out of the gates picking up the pace and heading over to Joyce's shop.
When she arrived and walked into the building making the bell ring she noticed Joyce walking over carrying buckets of paints and beaming at her. Avery pulled out the money she owed Joyce and put it into the stores cash holder.
She made sure that Joyce wouldn't refuse before taking some of the paint from a struggling Joyce and heading over the her Aunt's old house.
She hated the fact that her Aunt no longer lived there and had died. She adored her Aunt, She was a freelancer and did not play by the rules. She only had a few men in her life but gave the best advice to Avery. How Avery wished that she was still around to give her advice now. She would do anything to hear her cheerful but stern voice.

They arrived at the house and Avery let out the breath she was holding and opened the door. It was unlocked and she knew that Joyce had sent Hopper over to check it out to make sure no one had taken over the house or was sleeping rough in it.

"Put the paints over near the kitchen table dear and we can begin." Joyce spoke breaking the silence in the house. Avery watched as she began to get things in order. She had turned the heating on and even plugged in the kettle that had been left.
Avery placed the paint in the place she was told to put them and looked around ignoring the pained feeling she had in her chest. The house had not changed since the incident apart from a new carpet had been put down. Most likely to get rid of the stains and broken glass and mess that was left behind from her mother wrecking the house.

The two began painting the house, It didn't take as long as expected and was done before nightime. Joyce had called Hopper over to pick her up and take the paints to the trash.

"Everything is in place Avery. Will you be coming back with me or staying here?" Joyce questioned her. The two had finished painting and rearranging the furniture and now sat in the kitchen drinking the tea that Joyce made.

"I will be staying here. I don't want to be a bother anymore Joyce. Thank you for everything!" Avery responded smiling at the women across from her. Joyce shook her head and placed a hand on top of the young girls arm squeezing it gently before standing up and heading towards the exit.

"You were never a bother Avery...I enjoyed having you over and took you in as if you were one of my own. You are always welcome at the house no matter the time." She smiled once more before leaving the house. Avery remained seated at the table as she listened to a car pulling away revealing that Joyce was heading home.

Avery looked around the kitchen before she stood up. She placed the two cups in the dishwasher to be washed the next day and grabbed the keys from the basin on the table and locked the door. The curtains had already been drawn shut by Joyce when they had entered the house. Avery switched of the light in each room they had entered and headed to the room she often slept in when she stayed over. Nothing had changed.
Avery got ready for bed and snuggled into the blankets on the bed and switched on the T.V for some background noise. She knew that this is how Steve felt when he was alone in the house. It was lonely.

Texts Between Steve And Avery;

Avery : Hey Steve...?

Steve: Avery? Are you okay?

Avery: Of course I am. Just moved into the house..

Steve: Your Aunt's place? How are you finding it?

Avery: Lonely..
Read: 11:05

Avery waited for a response from Steve but soon grew bored and placed her phone one the nightstand. Her bedroom light was off and the only light was from the T.V.
A noise startled Avery from her relaxed state and she unwrapped herself from her blankets at peered out of her window. She opened her window when seeing Steve. Her best friend. He had climbed up the wall and was hanging on.
She pulled open the window and let him stumble in and shut it again and quickly pulled the curtains shut.
She felt arms wrap around her and melted into the hug that Steve was giving her.

"I get lonely too. I thought we could be lonely together..."

I Don't Do Feelings/ Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now