12 - Expecto patronum

Start from the beginning

You then all run down carefully trying to not get caught to sit behind the pumpkin patch.

"Here they come. We better hurry." Harry said starting to get up. You and Hermione both pull him back down.

"Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we sent him free." Hermione whispered.

"So it doesn't look like Hagrid sent him free." You added.

You then look through Hagrids open window to see him give "Scabbers" to Ron.

"There's Pettigrew." Harry snarled getting up again.

"Harry you can't!" You yelled.

"Y/N that's the man who betrayed my parents! So don't expect me to just sit here" He explained.

"Yes, you must! Harry, You're in Hagrids hut now, if you just burst in he'll think you've gone mad! You can't mess with time. Horrible things happen.We can't be seen." Hermione explained to the angry boy next to us moving us closer to Buckbeak.

"Fudge is coming. We aren't leaving." Hermione stated.

You then saw a snail shell and chucked it at the back of Harry's head inside of Hagrids hut.

"Ouch! Bloody hell Y/N." Harry yelped holding his head.

"Sorry, Harry but we need to leave." You apologised.

Fudge then came closer and saw Buckbeak so you decided to unchain Buckbeak when he wasn't looking. Hermione then gave him a dead ferret making him come with you, Harry and Hermione.

You Harry, Ron and Hermione then finally came out of Hagrids hut heading back to the top of the hill near the bridge while present you, Harry and Hermione head into the forest.

Fudge then saw that Buckbeak "escaped" and headed back to the castle with Dumbledore and the executor.

You, Harry and Hermione then head further into the forest with Buckbeak giving the Hippogriff some more dead ferret.

"Now what?" Harry asked.

"We save Sirius of course. Not sure how yet." Hermione replied already walking further into the forest.

You then all sprint over to where Sirius body would be. But then suddenly you and Hermione howl to get Remus off you and the rest of them and he found you.

You all hid behind a tree when the werewolf came round the corner you screamed. While you all sprint. Luckily Buckbeak scared Lupin off in his werewolf form.

Suddenly Harry ran towards a frozen lake seeing himself and you with Sirius. All the dementors around you three.

"Don't worry he'll come." Harry said waiting for something to happen.

"Who will come Harry?" You asked confused.

"My dad. He'll come and save us. With the Patronus." Harry replied.

We waited, seconds were passing and we were losing time to save the man.

"Any minute now, right there." He added.

"Harry listen to me. No one is coming."Hermione stated calmly.

"He will come." Harry shouted.

More seconds were passing. You then both run forward and shout the charm. The dementors were beginning to suck Harry's soul and Sirius's.

"Expecto Patronum!" You both yelled in unison.

All the dementors were pushed back from the spell as you were both powerful with the charm Professor Lupin taught you. You were amazed that you both did it. The white light came shooting at of your wands.

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