6 - Draco is hurt

Start from the beginning

"Shut up Malfoy." Harry told Draco. Making Blaise, Theo and Draco whistle. Draco then suddenly dropped his bag and slowly walked over to the slightly smaller Gryffindor in front of him. Sending daggers into his eyes, then Draco's face dropped and he yelled.

" A DEMENTOR! DEMENTOR!" You froze, scared that he had seen one nearby.

Harry quickly turned around, looking for one, but Draco started laughing. Him, Theo, Blaise, Pansy and a few other Slytherins all had their cloak hoods over their heads and started moving their fingers in a ghostly motion.

Hermione pulled Harry away so nothing else could happen. You punched Draco in the arm with tears standing in your eyes.

"You scared me so much Draco, how could you!" You cried out.

"Oh I'm sorry Y/N, I was only trying to scare Potter." Draco pointed out while he hugged you to keep you calm. He then wiped away your tears, feeling the cold metal rings against your cheek.

Hagrid then came along and showed a wonderful, stunning creature. You were at awe at the gargantuan animal, while everyone else seemed scared of the hybrid.

"Isn't he a beaut, say 'ello to Buckbeak." Hagrid commented.

"Hagrid, exactly what is that?" Ron proceeded to ask, scared for his life.

"That Ron is a Hippogriff. First thing you wanna know about a Hippogriff is that they are very proud creatures, very easily offended. You do not want to insult a Hippogriff." Hagrid stated.

"It may be the last thing you'll ever do. Now, who wants to come and say 'ello to Buckbeak?" He asked clapping his hands, like a little kid.

Everyone moved back quickly from the hybrid, except you and Harry. Since you were both mesmerised by the creature, you hadn't realised everyone have moved away from the two of you.

"Well done 'arry, well done Y/N." Hagrid acknowledged.

You both slowly walked over to Buckbeak and listened to Hagrids instructions. You both slowly bowed while keeping eye contact with the Hippogriff, just like Hagrid had instructed you. Buckbeak then bowed towards you both, meaning he had accepted you.

"Well done 'arry, Y/N, well done." Hagrid said pleasingly. Everyone clapped except the Slytherins, Draco was fuming that you were near such a dangerous creature, Theo and Blaise had to hold him back.

"Think he'll let you ride on him now, come on." Hagrid mentioned while picking Harry up, then you. You were in disbelief that you were being placed on top of a Hippogriff, Hagrid threw you onto Buckbeak in a blink of an eye.

"Wait-t Hagrid I don't-t" You stuttered, trying to think of an excuse. You then held onto Harry's waist tightly, closing your eyes so you don't fall. You felt a lovely breeze against your legs.

"You can open your eyes now Y/N." Harry told you. You opened your eyes to see a beautiful view of the black lake and Hogwarts. It was amazing. Harry enjoyed it so much he let go of Buckbeak, you were both smiling and laughing out of joy. Buckbeak did a lap around the castle and you were loving it.

You came back down to land in the forest, where you left off and Harry jumped off, holding his hand out for you to grab. You politely held his hand while jumping off, smiling your face off at the experience you just had. Then suddenly, Draco came forward towards the Hippogriff.

"Oh please." Draco snarled while pushing forward.

"Yeah, you're not dangerous at all are you? You great ugly brute." He yelled, getting closer to the now offended creature.

 "DRACO!" You shouted hoping he would come away from Buckbeak, but of course he didn't listen. Buckbeak violently raised his legs, attacking Draco and making him fall backwards. You gasped at the sudden action while other students screamed. Hagrid calmed Buckbeak down while telling Draco he'll be okay.

"ITS KILLED ME, ITS KILLED ME!" He yelled in agony.

"Hagrid! He needs to go to the hospital wing." Hermione called out. Hagrid nodded while Theo and Blaise picked Draco up to take him to Madam Pomfrey.


By the time Draco was done in the hospital wing, it was Defence Against The Dark Arts class with our new professor. His name was Professor Lupin.

"Intriguing, isn't it?" The Professor started off. As something in the closet rattled.

"Would anyone like to take a guess at what is inside?" Professor Lupin asked the class.

"That's a boggart sir." A random Gryffindor called out.

"Very good, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" He asked another question.

"No one knows what a boggart looks like sir." You called out, coming from nowhere. Professor Lupin praised you while Draco, Blaise and Theo had a confused look on your face, confused where you came from. You ignored them and carried on speaking.

"Boggarts are shapeshifters sir, they take the shape of what ever a particular person fears the most. That what makes them so-"

"Terrifying. Yes, yes, Miss Valentine. 10 points to Slytherin, thank you." The Professor cut you off.

Professor Lupin was still speaking about the boggart, you started to look paler, wishing that the boggart doesn't take the shape which you most fear. Well, what you thought you did. It was losing Draco, Theo and Blaise. You thought that it would change to a dementor as well, which you didn't want to come out either.

"Without wands please, repeat after me, Riddikulus!" He exclaimed. You all repeated it. "This class is ridiculous." Draco muttered under his breath. You just scoffed. Ever since the Buckbeak incident he had had Pansy Parkinson all swoon over him. The Professor then brought Neville to the front of the class to demonstrate what will happen.

"So Neville, what do you fear the most?" The Professor asked the small, fragile boy. He muttered something that no one could hear.

"Come again?" Lupin recalled.

"Professor Snape, Sir." Neville admitted making the class chuckled. You felt sorry for the boy. The Professor whispered something into his ear that Neville agreed on. Professor opened the closet door that the boggart was in. Suddenly, Snape came out and Neville had his wand at the ready.

"RIDDIKULUS!" he yelled out. Within a second, Snape was wearing some old lady clothes. The whole class was sniggering at what just happened.

Everyone formed a line and every student took turns with the boggart. Suddenly a spider appeared, then it had roller skates on. A snake, which then turned into a Jack-in-a-box. Soon enough it was Harry's turn, you were stood right behind him. What you didn't know was what he feared was a dementor. He froze. No words came out of his mouth. You were stood behind him, shocked at the black figure that was floating before you. Professor Lupin had to fix the situation and everyone shared whispers about the dementor.

You almost fainted at the sight, but Draco caught you before anything bad could happen.


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