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In this book I'm going to write about Scorpio sign and Scorpio people whether they have moon or sun sign in scorpio or they have rising sign in Scorpio.

Then a very obvious question rises up why? Why scorpio sing?

What is so special about scorpio sign because every sign is as important as scorpio then why I'm just writing about scorpions.

Answer is.... I'm a scorpio!

I understand well how it feels like inside. How sometimes we feel like a outsider in a crowd of hundreds of known people.

We feel all these deep emotions with a great depth inside us that just bind so hard that sometimes we don't like to talk to anyone, we don't like to express to anyone, we don't like to tell anyone how we feel because we know no one gonna understands us.

We are the most sensitive, soft and vulnerable sing but still we are consider as hard, cruel and manipulative people... it's an irony. I'm not saying we are saint and exception is every where but in majority.. we are not like that.

We are the most misjudged sing among the all sign and being a Scorpio I do understand it very well.



It is my original work. copywrite © 2020, All rights are reserved. Don't copy my work. I'm not warning you just gently aware you that I can take strict action. I really request, its really bad stealing someone's work. But yes, if you share my story with others that I'll definitely appreciate.

And if by coincidence my content matched with the content of anyone else's work then please let me know I will correct it and I will improve it.

I hope you will enjoy your time and if you liked my story then Please give me your comments and votes.

One more thing, I want to mention here that English is not my native language and I haven't edited my story properly yet so readers may expect grammatical and spelling mistakes.


Please give me your....LOVE,VOTES, COMMENTS and FOLLOW me. Because it gives me a motivation to write.

So just give a thought.
Thank you


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