25.-Reunited at last... wait what?

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"Launchpad, I think the best thing would be for you to stay watching over the plane and have it ready for when we return with Huey."

Out of the corner of his eye, the sailor-dressed duck saw Beakley smile and, while folding his arms, said:

"Well thought Donald."

Donald turned to her and answered honestly:

"Thank you."

Then he looked at the others and speaking in a determined voice, said:

"Now if we all agree, let's go for Huey!"

"YES!" they all cheered raising their fists.


Entering the building had been easy. There weren't guards, nor closed doors, which made their work much easier. It seemed they had stolen some good luck from Gladstone. In Donald's group, Beakley had decided to take the lead, given his experience in combat. Donald took the decision to put himself in the rear, so that the boys would be protected by both adults.

Beakley was very determined to prevent them from being discovered. She constantly signaled to others by telling them where there were cameras and where they had to go to avoid being caught. It almost seemed she had a sixth sense for detecting cameras. It was amazing!

As they advanced, Donald was constantly looking at his boys, just to make sure they were there and they hadn't... disappeared, too. The sailor-dressed duck knew perfectly well Huey's kidnapping had been planned and executed only against him. But despite knowing it, he could still feel in his heart, the constant fear of losing his other boys, and wasn't willing to allow that happen again. Not on his guard.

Donald was so deep in thought that he almost jumped when after turning a corner, roughly halfway down the hall, a door opened, revealing Graves was coming out of it. The hawk was surprised to see the intruders there, a few meters from him. He quickly overcame his surprise and faced them.

Beakley had stopped protectively in front of everyone, while Donald ran ahead of his nephews so they were both protected by two adults. Donald wasn't willing to allow the bird in front of them to harm his boys.

With a smirk on his face, Graves suddenly said:

"Wow, what a surprise. You must be that boy's family."

Donald growled dangerously. His patience was at that moment a very thin line that could be snapped at any moment. To make things worse, the petulant attitude that this... muscular bird showed, did nothing to contain what little patience the adult duck still had. Taking a step forward, Donald said harshly:

"Where's my nephew?! I know it was you who kidnapped him!"

The hawk put a puzzled face at first, like he didn't know what they were talking about, or maybe... maybe he didn't understand what Donald had just asked him... probably the latter. After a few moments, the hawk smiled again and replied:

"Where is he? To be honest, I don't know. Although I doubt there's much left of him to rescue."

"What do you mean by that?" asked the adult duck with a mixture of horror and fury in his voice. It wasn't necessary to look at his other nephews to know that they were most likely feeling the same way he was feeling with what the hawk had just said.

Widening his smile, Graves continued:

"That boy is truly pathetic. Trying for days to cling to the hope someone would come to rescue him at any moment."

Then he laughed out loud and added:

"It was fun to gradually destroy that hope and turn it into fear and hatred towards his family."

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