The Cyclops

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Zenitsu looked at him with a weirded out look and asked, "So...You had an accident when you were born?"

"THE HELL, MAN! That's not what I'm talking about, moron!" Y/n shouted at the blonde until his throat hurt. "Let's just go... By the way, I'm L/n Y/n."

"Tanjiro Kamado!" "Zenitsu Agatsuma..." They introduced themselves and led the way to the southeast. While on the way, you kept in mind that you shouldn't mention anyone's names, so you won't catch the suspicions from others.

On the way, they asked you where you were going and where you're from. But the reply was as blunt as this, "Same as you guys, don't ask and I'm from nowhere." With that being the answer, the two just blinked twice and acted like they heard nothing.

"Zenitsu, are you alright now?" Tanjiro asked in concern.

"Yeah, now that I've calmed down, Imm getting a bit hungrier." Zenitsu replied as he put his hand on his stomach.

"Do you not have food on you?" Tanjiro asked, digging through his pocket and finding a rice ball as he broke it in half. "Here you go." He offered to the both of them.

"Nah, ya can have it, Tanjiro." Y/n reassured him, he's not that hungry anyways.

"Thanks." Zenitsu thanked him.

Tanjiro looked at Y/n with a worried look. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, keep it." Y/n told him, his hands behind his neck.

"Hey, Y/n, since I don't know where you're from or anything about you becuase you won't say... You're suspicious enough to be a demon! So, are you?!" Zenitsu just kept on babbling about you being a demon until it annoyed you to pop a nerve on you forehead.

"WHAT'CHA SAY, BITCH?!" Y/n pulled Zenitsu's collar and raised him up. "DON'T CALL ME A CYCLOPS WHEN YOU BARELY EVEN LOOK LIKE A MAN YOURSELF!" He shouted at his face, mistaken of what he called you.

"Hey, hey! That's...ENOUGH!" Tanjiro just couldn't loosen your grip on poor Zenitsu's collar so he just traumatized you by hitting your neck with a karate chop.

Another set of minutes later...
"I feel like shit..." Y/n woke up and found himself being carried by Tanjiro on his back. So, he got rid of his worries and dozed off to sleep again.

After a long walk, they reached Tsuzumi Mansion, the next destination to the southeast.

"Tanjiro, carry me next! That demon or Y/n and your box will have to get off your back! I'm gonna die! I didn't even get married yet!" Zenitsu whined and dropped on the ground.

"You're gonna wake him up, Zenitsu!" Tanjiro scolded him while dragging the blonde towards the mansion.

"Hey, Y/n! Wake up." The redhead called out. You didn't really wanted to wake up, so you just held on tighter to your new friend. He flinched and turned his head, but when he did, your head was resting on his shoulders that he barely gave out a small peck by accident.

((I'm sorry but I just wanna spice things up a bit, dudes and I did warn ya guys on the description. But if your a girl, eh, what the heck. Kill me later, read now))

"I'M AWAKE!" Y/n jumped off from Tanjiro's back and was looking away in embarrassment with his head steaming. "Let's go in!" His blush died down and was marching towards the entrance.

"BUWAHAHAH! Oh my god! I feel so sorry for you Tanjiro, Y/n!" Zenitsu bursted out laughing on his back. The moment he stood up you were helding him up by the collar.

"HUH?! That was an accident, ASSHOLE!" Clearly, you do not like Zenitsu now since he insults you all the time. Or, you should just keep your anger down a bit.

"C-C'mmon guys, l-let's go n-now" Tanjiro just stuttered too much that it caught the two of your attentions.

"You..?!" Y/n and Zenitsu deadpanned at the sight of Tanjiro being a blushing mess and trying to do his best to calm down. But you just shrugged it off since you were pretty manly... or so you thought.

((If you're female, then get some abs gurl! Or either pet a snake))

"Wait... I can smell blood" Tanjiro reported, then sniffed out the air. He noticed some kids hiding in the shadows under the trees, so he approached them without even an iota of caution in the world and showed them Chuntaro that calmed them down.

'I hear something, sounds strange.' Zenitsu thought while cupping his ears.

'Might as well watch that man fall and die.' Y/n just sat down and watched the man in the mansion from the distance. "And there he goes..." He stated flatly and whistled while approaching the soon-to-be corpse of the man.

"Is this your..?" The rest followed with slow steps, arrived and kneeled as Tanjiro asked the kids.

"No... Brother is wearing a persimmon colored kimono." One of them replied.

"Y/n, are you a demon slayer?" Tanjiro asked.

"Yup!" You replied, lying underneath your stinky breath. ((That was a joke, if you get it...Since, y'know...You were lying and all that))

"Let's go in, then! You two should stay here, we'll be back." The redhead informed them and went in the mansion before dropping off his box with the kids while Y/n left his scythe too.

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