The Raging Fire And Sea

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In the headquarters, Mayday watches Eve and Zuke's videos from the past. Mayday had a feeling that Zuke belongs with Eve. Without Zuke in her life, there's no more Bunk Bed Junction. She exited, went to the room where she and Zuke share and sat down at the corner, holding her legs to her chest and facing the wall. Tears started to run down her face as the friendship she had with her cool-headed drummer slowly begins to fade. Moments later, Mayday felt the fire in her igniting.

She was angry.

She was heartbroken.

"Why?" Mayday thought.

When Zuke got back to the headquarters, he heard a loud sob that was coming from a shareable room. "May..." Zuke said quietly as he rushed to check on his bandmate. When he made it, he began to feel worried. "May? What's wrong?" Asked Zuke as Mayday let her anger out on him. "Leave me alone..." said Mayday angrily. She doesn't want to look him in the eyes. "Why? I just wanted to check on you if everything is okay." Said Zuke and Mayday then stood up and punched a hole on a wall which made Zuke jump a bit, feeling afraid of what might happen next. "I  said... LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Mayday yelled as she pushed her drummer to the floor. "May! What's wrong!? What did I do to you!?" Asked Zuke. Mayday has completely lost control. When Zuke stood up, he can see the fire in her eyes. Mayday backs away as Zuke tries to get closer to her. She tries to slap him in the face with her right hand, but Zuke caught her hand quickly. "May... please stop! You need to tell me what's been bothering you!" Zuke yelled. Mayday tried to use her left hand, but he caught it as well. "LET ME GO!" Mayday yelled. Zuke then let his anger out on her. "MAY!!! STOP IT!! I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU GO UNTIL YOU FREAKING CALM DOWN!! YOU UNDERSTAND!?" Zuke screamed. There was silence now and both of their anger has slowly faded away. Replaced with sadness in their eyes. After Mayday calmed down, she puts her head on his chest crying hard. Zuke hated to see her like this. Mayday finally spoke. "I-I'm so sorry... Zuke. I saw the videos when you and Eve are together. When I thought about it, I feel alone. Without you, there will be no more Bunk Bed Junction."
"May... You're not going to lose me. And Eve... Well.. We moved on." Zuke said as he gave her a comforting hug. "I-I felt like a horrible person. A monster! I wanted to tell you how much you mean to me!" Mayday sobbed. Zuke had Mayday to face him. "Now listen to me May. You're not a horrible person, you're not a monster. You're still you! And know this... I've been hiding my feelings since we met. I also wanted to say this. You're not just my bandmate. You're my best friend, my everything." Zuke closed his eyes as tears spill down his eyes. The bandmates gave each other a hug, sobbing. Moments later, they sat down on Zuke's bunk.
They looked at each other.


"Yes, Zuke?"

"I love you. To the very end, I will always love you."

Mayday started to smile. " I love you too Zuke!"

Zuke smiled as well and gently kissed her.

Mayday returns the favor. It was a sweet, loving kiss.

As they parted to get some air, Zuke asked Mayday if she can sleep with him just for tonight. Mayday nodded as she and zuke fell asleep together.

The End

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