my opinion on abortion

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Disclaimer: If you don't agree with me that's fine, but please keep it to a respectful debate

So, this is my personal opinion on abortion. I've been thinking about this a lot during quarantine, and now have what I think is a well-rounded opinion:

In my opinion, abortion is something that should be allowed and should be a reasonable choice for women.
Here's my reasoning:
Many people against abortion (who I will now refer to as Others for typing purposes) think that adoption should be the default scenario in this situation. While I do believe that adoption should be heavily considered, abortion is also necessary because
A. Birth is stressful, long, and can be painful
B. A lot of abortions are done because the mother or baby has a health condition that could endanger one or both of their lives
If we can save the woman suffering from birth, I think abortion is reasonable. Plus, many teen mothers are not educated on s*x and what it leads to. To force them to suffer through a birth that they did not plan or were ready for is cruel imo.
If birth leads to death or an irreversible condition for a woman, I think having the baby die would secure the life of an already living human being, with relationships and etc.

Again, just my opinion. You don't have to agree with me, but we can debate if you want. I probably forgot something in this little paragraph anyway

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