Try hard

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m.c pov
" you are such an Australian idiot Michael Clifford...." They were Lexi Delarosa's words. Yeah, she was pretty perfect, and it wasn't only me who thought that. Lexi was the one that every guy wanted and every girl wanted to be, she had the perfect everything. Perfect body, perfect hair, perfect face, perfect personality. She was one of those people that just have to say one word and you smile. One of the problems is she's dating the school try hard, Ashton Irwin. He's the football star, he gets good grades plus he gets all the girls. Lexi and I have been pretty close for the past 5 years, but since Ashton came along he doesn't like us. Being together, at all. There's 4 of us in our group right now, me, Lexi, Calum and Indi. Calum has been my best guy friend since we were in primary, Indi is his girlfriend and we are all really close, even if I flirt with Indi Calum doesn't care because he knows I'm only joking. But right now we are in the middle of a food fight, in my apartment. There's two teams, me and Lexi and Indi and Calum. After half an hour of trying to protect Lexi the game ends, we are all covered in all different foods and anything else we d excised to throw.
" I'm going to go shower" Indi says.
"I'll come!" Calum says.
" I hope your meaning come as in come with her cal" I say and wink at Indi.
" Why not both?" He says and pulls Indi out of my house and into her car. They both wave and drive off.
" Soooooo how's Ashton?" I ask Lexi.
"I think I'm going to break up with him actually." She says. YESS!!!.
"Why" I ask.
"Well I like this other guy, I don't know if you know him but he's pretty damn awesome." She says.
' fuck, she likes someone else' I think.
"Oh yeah, who?" I ask.
"Well his names Michael Clifford, I've known him for a while and I like him a lot and I was wondering if you could find out if he likes me to?" She says proudly.
"Well I can ask him for you, hang on a second" I say and rush out of the room. I come back a few seconds later and sit down next to her.
"Well I asked this Michael lad and he says he likes you too, and he wishes you two could be together" I say and grin.
"Well then, I guess I should probably call up Ashton and tell him" she says.
"You probably should, but first come here" I say and open my arms. She runs over to me and leaps into my arms. I hug her for a good 2 minutes and start rubbing circles into her back with my thumb. I start to get up and she kisses my cheek, I pick her up with me and carry her over to the couch, I grab out her phone and dial Ashton's number.
" hey baby what's up?" He asks.
"Ashton, I don't know how to say this but I like another guy and I thought maybe we could take a break?" She says.
" yeah ok let's take a break, tell me when you want to do it again ok?" He says.
" Thankyou for understanding ash" she says.
" all good love, now go talk to your guy" he says.
" ok bye ash"
" bye lex" he says and the line drops......

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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