Dandelion Breeze

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~Amazing author advice~
Shit happens kid.
But never , and I mean NEVER anything or anyone bring you down. Ily<3


It's yet another day..
A summer day to be exact.

The wind flowing through your hair , as if it was combing it.

The sun , kissing your beautiful delicate skin, being as careful it can be, afraid your skin would fall apart..

                                                                        Like a Dandelion flying through the breeze..

It is now night..

The moon rises high , as the sun withers away.
The breeze holding coldness , yet some warmth.
The stars , shinning bright, but not bright enough to hurt those sensitive eyes of yours..

The dandelion still flowing through the breeze.

The Moon rising, being the main source of light in the dark.
The stars , still twinkling and shining bright. Then the breeze.. Giving coldness yet warmth everywhere , making the atmosphere calm.

     And that dandelion.. still.. dancing and flowing through the cool breeze..


Here's a little quote I made up myself:

"The dandelion.. a delicate flower. Just like us beings. If it were to be crushed or even squished a bit. It'd break apart..."
- Lord-Barbatos/Clay

- 190 words-

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