
"Dr. Lewis Macy. Family doctor. Two kids in high school. Divorced, no priors, and no apparent connection to our DOA Vance Williams. No phone calls. No E-mails. These two never crossed path electronically" Kim said. "And I talked to robbery. Dr. Macy did file a burglary report" Antonio said. "His alibi for the night of Vance's murder also checks out. It was Parent Night at Webster Prep. And he's a size nine. Not a match for the shoe print we found at the crime scene" Jay said. "Still, I want to get a sneak and peek on the doctor's finances. What about this Frank Barrett guy" Voight asked. "There's eight Frank Barretts in Chicago, Sarge, but my money is on the one who runs this bar called Blazes. That's where Vance Williams used to work" Kevin said. "And two of the names we found on the prescription bottles have one thing in common. They both used to work at Blazes" Adam said. "All right, so let's get some dirt on him, then scoop him up" Voight said.

So Jay and Hailey went to talk to Frank, who admitted he didn't know anything about the oxy that's been out on the street. However, as soon as he drove off, the first person he called was Dr. Macy, so we brought him and the girl he was hooking up with down to the district. "So Barrett got prescriptions from Dr. Macy. Then he gave them to Vance. Vance got the runners, distributed the pills. Barrett sealed himself off. Now, without Vance, the only way to Barrett is through Macy" Antonio said. "And he's not talking" Al said. "All right, what about Andrea" Voight asked. "Well, we dumped Andrea's phone, and right now, there's no obvious connection to her and Barrett" Kevin said. "What we do know is she has a serious habit. She's going to be sweating it out in lock-up looking for a fix" Hailey said. "That explains the Oxy we found at Macy's apartment" Antonio said.

"Yeah, you know what else we found? Love notes from the doctor. 'Andrea, you're every pleasure I've ever imagined.' 'No matter how much we're together, I can never get enough of you'" Kim read. "Then that's it. We got him. The doctor's in love, and we use her to make him flip" Al said. "This is where he's vulnerable. We squeeze as tight as we can. Cut Andrea loose. Keep eyes on her. Find something actionable" Voight said.

We ended up finding Andrea buying drugs, and we told Dr. Macy that if he didn't tell us the real story and help us catch Frank, we'd charge her. So, he cooperated, and now we were all waiting in different spots around the meet up area to keep watch. "Let me know when you've got eyes on the doctor" Voight said through my mic. "Yeah, we've got him. He's by the bench" I say as Jay and I posed for a few pictures by a statue.

"Jay, would you please act like you're enjoying yourself here? I need some pictures of us" I say. "You already have pictures of us" Jay said. "Yeah, from way back when. I need some new ones" I say. Jay sighed. "Fine. But only because you asked" he said. We took a few selfies, all in different poses. One was of us smiling, another was of Jay kissing my cheek, and many other ones that were definitely keepers. 

"We've got eyes on Barrett, too. Black jacket, blue jeans. He's approaching right now" Jay said into his mic. As Frank and Lewis started talking, they began walking away. "All right, they're on the move. Southeast" I say. Jay and I then held hands and began to follow them, pretending to be a couple. "All right, hey, we got eyes. I want you to hang back. We don't want to heat this guy" Adam said. "Copy" I say.

 Frank and Lewis went into a tunnel, and as Lewis was being made, Adam and Kevin went to interfere. However, Lewis was shot, and Frank was on the run. "Barrett fled out the west side of the tunnel. Atwater and Upton are in pursuit. I do not believe that they have eyes" Adam said. "I've got eyes on Barrett. He's at the south end of the park. You guys, there's a lot of kids around" Kim said. "Barrett is armed. There's too many civilians to take any chances. Apprehend without incident" Voight said. A few seconds later, Kim came over the radio again. He's getting on the bus. The 289. I'm going after him" she said. At the second bus stop, Voight got on, and him and Kim got Frank.

That night, as I was packing up my things, Voight called me into his office. "What's up, Sarge" I ask him. "Close the door" he said. I followed his orders and shut the door before taking a seat. "You know how someone has been leaking information about our department to the Ivory Tower" Voight asked. "Uh, yeah. You don't think I did that, do you" I ask. "No. I know who the mole is" Voight said. "Okay. So, who is it" I ask. "Adam" he said. "What? No way. Adam wouldn't do that" I say. "He did, Yn" Voight said. "So why tell me this" I ask. "Al is going to drive Adam to us at a disclosed location. Then, you and I are going to confront him" Voight said. "Why me? Why not have Kevin or Kim do this with you" I ask. "Because you're his partner, and you two are very close. Are you in" Voight asked. I sighed and fiddled with the sleeve of my shirt. "Yeah. I'm in."

I climbed into the passenger seat of Voight's car, and he drove us to an area filled with abandoned factories. A few minutes later, Al pulled up, and him and Adam got out of the car. "You ready for this, Ln" Voight asked. "As ready as I'll ever be" I say. Voight and I then climbed out of the car, and as soon as Adam saw us, his face paled. I really hoped this was going to go the way we planned.

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