Chapter Three: Two Secrets

Start from the beginning

It was like we both had a secret to keep, but I doubt that. Entoan tells me everything, and I do the same... well till now. I won't keep it a secret from him too long. He's my best friend.

He'll understand...


Entoan's View

The whole journey to school was quiet. Neither of us talked, the tension was so thick you could grab a knife and cut it. I glanced at Dlive with a worried expression. I just wanted to blurt out that I was moving, I couldn't keep it in so much longer! But... but I had to. Today didn't seem like the day to tell him. I'll wait till tomorrow.

Dlive and I wandered down the school hallways side-by-side. Like usual, we received some stares from kids, and maybe a few words were thrown at me, not Dlive.

I guess if you're seen walking with a guy all the time, you're considered gay. And if you're considered gay, anyone you hang out with must be gay too. It was something stupid my Eighth grade class thought was true.

It wasn't though.

I sighed and walked over to our locker, twisting the lock to its rightful combination. The lock then clicked and left the locker open for Dlive and I.

"Hey, Dlive. Are you going to ditch class again today?" I asked, hoping he wasn't.

I couldn't handle anymore of the shit people threw at me. It was really starting to get to me.

He placed his hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump a little. "Don't worry, Entoan. I won't leave your side anymore, it was a stupid move I pulled yesterday." He said, reassuringly.

I smiled faintly, a wave of relief hitting me. "Thanks, Dlive." I said, grabbing what I needed. "Let's get to class."

He nodded. "Okay, I'll follow."

I grabbed his wrist, dragging him to class. For some reason, when I grabbed his wrist, I felt... weird. It was almost like I had butterflies flying around inside me. My cheeks grew warm, but I shook the odd feeling away.

Don't girls say the butterflies mean you're in love? I furrowed my eyebrows together. Hah, there's no way I was, or already did fall for my best friend, that would be too weird.

Yeah, there's no way I like Dlive.

As we were about to enter our classroom, Gassy passed by. He eyed Dlive hungrily before glaring at me. He mouthed something to me.

"He's mine."

I stared at him shocked, till he was out of sight. What... what did he mean by that? Was I just imagining things? No... He must've said something else. I do fail terribly when it comes to reading someone's lips.


I looked at Dlive. He looked to be concerned for me. I frowned. "Sorry, I thought I saw something." I said, feeling him tense up beside me. "I was just imagining things though."

Dlive sighed in relief and walked into class. Eyes were on us like nothing. The girls were eyeing Dlive like usual, and anger flared inside me. I didn't like the looks they gave him I could only--


What the hell is wrong with me? I can't possible have feelings for... for Dlive right? No... I can't. The teacher walked in and everyone sat down. The lesson today was about hormones and sexual orientation. Then it hit me.

Why were we learning this in art class?!


School was over finally. Today was like a day full of sexual explanations, in every single class. It was just plain weird and disturbing. I walked to my locker. Dlive would be here soon. His math class wasn't too far from the locker.

Opening the locker, I placed all my school supplies inside. Once it was inside, I rubbed shoulders to ease the aching pain a little. Carrying around a backpack all day sure does get to your shoulders.

"Sup, loser." The voice who I recognized as Gassy's cackled, grabbing my short hair suddenly.

I hissed as he yanked my head up roughly. "Leave me alone!" I hissed, clawing at his hands.

Gassy smirked. "Why should I?" He asked, teasingly.

I narrowed my eyes, "This is why." I seethed out, kicking him in his crotch.

Gassy gasped and released me, when I hit the ground...

I ran and didn't look back.

As I was running away from Gassy, I passed Dlive. We looked at each other for a second.

"Dlive..." I muttered, wanting to stop and hide behind him. But I didn't do that, I kept running, Gassy following close behind.

"Gassy? Entoan?" He asked, suddenly chasing after me too. "Entoan wait up!"

I panted slightly and turned to the left, hearing one less pair of footsteps behind me. I was suddenly pulled into an empty hallway. Gassy's enraged face appeared in my mind

"Let me g--!" My mouth was covered. I squirmed around, tears threatening to prick my eyes.

"Entoan, shh! It's me! Dlive!" He whispered.

I started to calm down slowly but my heart was still beating rapidly. Where did Gassy go then? Did we lose him? After five minutes of sitting there in the long, empty hallway, and holding each other, Dlive pulled me up.

"Are you okay, bud?" He asked, worry and concern lacing his voice

I nodded, "Y-Yeah... I'm just... just..." with that, my eyes shut and I fell back. All the stress got to me.



I hope you all are enjoying this small fanfic so far. I really am having a great time writing it. Hehe. Please, however, leave a comment in what you think so far, and please be honest. Anyways, thanks to those of you who voted on the previous chapter. It means a lot to me.

Sayonara, my lovelies. I really did enjoy your company.

Buh bye.

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