Diary 1

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April 25th Monday-

To Do

~write to Mel re wedding (hers, pahahaha imagine if it was mine!!!) ✅

~interview new PAs✅

~work on promotion letter✅

~have a look at the models for Friday's shoot (2:30 pm)✅

~check out the models that Guy headhunted(4:00 pm)✅

~eat lunch✅

~ possible drop in from the BeauBelles ❌

Well, that was a good day, I managed to get everything I had to do done! This morning I got a new PA, OMG she's so pretty, WOW. she has the most beautiful dark brown hair that rests on her shoulders in the springiest little coils. She has eyes that are so dark and bright that she has this look of having seen so much bad from the world but holding onto hope and innocence through it all. She has the figure of a model but from seeing how she just went with what I was having for lunch I don't think shes counted a calorie in her life, she's 5'4 and had one of those dresses on where it looks awful on everyone but one person... that one person is her. She's around my age and bi and beautiful and perfect. We had lunch together and for the first time in I think ever I wasn't looking at my phone or my watch waiting for my next appointment but instead I wanted to just sit there all day and talk to her. She's perfect. SO FUCKING PERFECT.


Monday 25th April

- interview to be Morgana's PA, wish me luck!

I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M NOW MORGANA'S PA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Can you tell I'm happy? She practically hired me on the spot!!! Anyways, shes even more beautiful and amazing in person than she looks in the pictures of her. Tomorrow I'm going to be in bright and early, make a good first impression. 

She invited me to go out to lunch with her and we had a lovely time. I was so nervous though. I didn't know what to do and just blabbered on about myself the entire time. I probably bored her stiff but she was nice and she seems to like me, she opened up about the types of people she likes but I can't put that sort of information in here because she said its a secret. 

I do hope she doesn't end up hating me. I know I'm not supposed to hope this because shes my boss but I hope we can be really good friends, I haven't felt this way about someone in a while. Maybe its because of her smile that beams into my heart or maybe its because of her eyes that twinkle like the sky. I don't know. All that I know is that shes someone that I don't want to loose, not only because I need this job but also because I need someone, the past few years haven't been easy and I need someone who can see me as a person and not as someone to feel sorry for.


yours, gwenny 

A.N: I'm sorry for not updating for a week, just a bit tired with starting at college and stuff. I also realised that I have a beginning and an end but no middle and I had all of zero idea of where I wanted this to go in the middle so I'm working on actually getting a storyline. Anyways, I'm going to attempt to find a path for the story and I'm hopefully going to find a way to be more active on my insta and here once I figure out a schedule for online college that doesn't consist of doing all my work last minute! Happy reading and wear a mask! Lena

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