Darker days...

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The gentle breeze danced through the air as the stars and full moon lit up the sky. It was a peaceful night. He stood there watching, waiting. His black hair faded into the dark, his brown eyes focused on the kingdom below him. In this moment he
wished he could just run off the cliff in front of him, and fly away. Thoughts filled his head, and his heart raced. Tonight was a big night, he hated to ruin the peace. Soon this beautiful night of dreaming, would turn into a nightmarish massacre.

"Eins are you done with your little pity party?!"

He turned around, his black cape floating in the wind. His eyes pierced through his comrades' souls. She stood there unmoved.

"Your not intimidating loser! So stop staring and let's get going! We're already running late 'because of you!"

"We will leave when I say we leave," He said almost too calmly as he walked over to her "I'm the leader." He took out his sword and grazed it against her arm while walking away, slicing the seam of her jacket perfectly.

"Whatever Sir Pouts a lot," Lillian said , mocking his bad posture "HEY, WHY WOULD YOU RUIN MY FAVORITE JACKET!" She said, pulling out her sword.

He whipped around, pointing the sword at her heart. "Know your place Lily." He taunted. His voice always sounded calm, and emotionless. Which angered most of the people who fought against him, but they never lived long enough to complain.

She put her sword away, "Yes Sir." She sassed.

He chose to ignore it, and went back to walking away. "Oh! I almost forgot! We will be leaving now."

Lillian stayed behind for a moment, "What happened to us..." she whispered under her breath "What happened to you." She looked up tears filling her eyes.

"Oh Lillian?" He turned to face her again "Are you done with your pity party?"


"One day, I'll give you the world"

Cherry blossoms floated all around them, frolicking in the breeze. They sat on a hill right outside the castle. It was a sunny spring day, and the weather was perfect. They held hands. They were happy. They were in love. They wanted it to last forever.

"When I'm king, I'll plan the best wedding. I'll buy you everything you could ever want. Your wildest dreams will become reality" He said sincerely

"Silly, I don't want any of that! I just want us to be together." She smiled, playfully kissing his cheek.

He sat there in silence for a moment. She knew he was in one of his moods. A mood where his mind would take him to the moon and back.

"I love you Lillian, and one day I will give you the world" He looked up at the sky, smiling slightly.

"I love you too, Eins."


The large gate towered over them, as they stood outside the castle walls. Eins looked through the bars to see the village he once called home. The guild was behind him waiting for a command, some of them liked the idea of him being king. Others despised the thought, but were too afraid of him to speak up. Not after what happened to Leonard. If such a horrid thing happened to the leaders own brother, they couldn't imagine what would happen to them.

"This night is ours," Eins spoke proudly while facing his people "We will go and take everyone hostage, what's theirs shall be ours. We will have everything we could ever want. Yet, I'm still not satisfied. My people, I promise oneday, I shall give you the world."  He sneered, he was sure of his win. Tonight he would receive the throne! The rightful heir! He couldn't help but wonder though, was it dissatisfaction he was feeling? Or was the guilt of all the blood shed by his sword finally crumbling in on him. He could have anything he wanted by the swing of a blade, but was this right? Was he supposed to live this way? Thoughts flooded his mind, and muddled his thoughts. "No!" He thought to himself. "I am right! This is the only way!" He put a hand on his forehead, it was pounding with pain. Lillian ran up to him, taking his other hand. She knew what they were doing wasn't right, but she would follow her love to the end of the earth. He pulled his hand away. "I don't need your sympathy!"

"Are you sure you want to do this! I will still love you even if you aren't King! You don't want to do something you regr-" she was interrupted by a sharp pain in her side. She fell to the ground, blood gushing from a gash in her side. She looked up at her lover, his sword drawn and dripping with her blood. This wasn't the man she fell in love with. She fell in love with Eins, a tender hearted, kind, and selfless person whose calm and uplifting spirit could lead any kingdom, not this self centered, emotionless, monster. Tears ran down her cheeks, "Eins...I love you...please...don't do this! You can't take it anymore and I can tell! Please stop"

"How selfish of you to think I did all of this for you," he smirked while walking closer to the gate "You can always be replaced."

Her heart broke, all of these years she had followed him. She did everything for him, she lived for him. All to be thrown away like another useless pawn.

"Let her be an example, now would anyone else like to state their opinion?" He said while looking into the crowd. SIlence. "Good, let's get going then." He said pushing open the gate.

The next few hours were filled with blood shed, no one was safe. The guild had come to  conquer. Eins simply walked through the village, straight to the castle. His personal guards protect him. "Clean up the mess when you're done, We wouldn't want our town to be stained red now would we!" He mocked, letting out a slight chuckle.

He strutted into the palace, leaving his old self at the door. He was no longer a man of few words, he would now always state his mind. He no longer held useless love for people who he could easily throw out like dolls, his heart was for himself. He walked up to the throne and took a seat. "This feels so right!" he laughed. His guards forced a chuckle so they could keep their heads.

"Get off the throne! You monster!"

"Oh, hello dear brother," he said sarcastically, "How nice it is to see you."

"I wish I could say the same." stated Leochant as he pulled out a sword.

Eins started laughing, "You really think you can stop me!"

"I will die for this kingdom, if it protects my people." He stood tall, and proud.

In a blink of an eye, Eins darted off the throne and had a blade at his brother's neck. "This is extremely heartbreaking, our big reunion and you had to say those words," He whispered in his brothers ear "but your wish is my command"

"What happened to you..." Leochant thought of all of the fond memories they had when they were younger. Of his loud older brother Leonard, and his calmer older brother Eins. He shed tears of remorse, what went wrong, why couldn't they just be a happy family.

There was no answer, no sobs, just silence. The only sound was the thud of a body hitting the ground, and a head rolling onto the floor.

"I love you Eins, but you promised me the world." Lillian said looking at her dead lover through tears "and I didnt get a thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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