First Encounter.

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The frantic knocking on my door, jolted me from my slumber. I sluggishly walked over to the door and opened it for whoever was on the other side.

"Lola please do me a favour and snap out of your sleep", mum pleads.

I shake my head a little for the sleep to ward off.

Mum smiles, " Baby I and your dad are going for a very important meeting right now, and I don't have time to go and get the groceries, please help me pick them up".

I groan, "ohhhhhhh, mum this morning?". I ask glancing at the clock which says 9:30, " ughhhh, it's just 9:30 mum, it's so early".

Mum sighs deeply, "Lola, please the grocery stores are gonna close early today for there is a party at the castle today. Please Lola do me this favour.
I and your dad will get home early too and the money for the grocery and you gown will be on the table". Mum walks out of the room.

I lay in bed wondering why mum didn't just ask the house help to go to the grocery store and a party? I wasn't even informed that there was going to be a party which I'll be attending.
I sluggishly walk into my bathroom and do my morning ritual.

Mum's list is endless, it can't seem to just finish. I continue pick stuff on the list, until my eyes sits on the most perfect diary ever, I walk down the aisle, towards what seems to me like the perfect diary ever, and picked it and stuff it into my cart.

I got everything from the list, and paid for everything, I opened the grocery store door without looking cause I was admiring my new diary, and thinking of the things I'll write down in it, I didn't see it coming until I bumped into 'Hades' .

Yes, I call him Hades cause the moment I looked up at him, that's what came to my mind, he's freaking hot that I totally forgot about my groceries scattered around us, I literally forgot about my most perfect diary ever.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?", even his voice is like that of Hades, 'Damn!'

" No you didn't ", I go down on a knee to pack my stuffs.

" She's drop dead gorgeous ", I look up at the owner of the voice, and see a younger version of Hades staring at me with awe. I blush.

" Hi, I'm Lola and you are?",

"Even her name is even gorgeous", the younger one gushes.
Hades elbows him, " she wants your name dude".

The younger one snaps out, "oh I'm Joseph and this is my older brother Paul", he gestures to his older brother
Paul waves at me.

" Hi Paul, sorry I mistakenly ran into you, I was admiring my new diary", Lola says standing.
Paul was about to speak before he was cut shut by Joseph.

"That's not a problem Lola, you can bump into either of us any time, any day, any where", Joseph States, " we can help you carry your groceries to your car".  Joseph takes my groceries from my hands.

"Where is your car?", Paul asks while relieving Joseph a little.

Lola scratches her neck nervously, " ummmmm I didn't come with my car".

"And you were gonna carry all this all the way?", Joseph shrieks, " thank God we saw you".

"Come this way Lola", Paul gestures to the direction of their car.

It was a goddamn Rolls Royce, holy cow, who are these guys?.
They put my groceries in the boot, and off we went to my house.

As soon as we reached my home, the servant rushed towards the car as soon as she saw me step out.

" thank you guys so much, I wonder how I would have carried all these alone without your help and ride. I really appreciate ". I thank them.

Joseph scoffs, " it's our pleasure Lola, besides who would see such a damsel and ignore her, we're gentle men, right bro?", he looks up to Hades.

What? I can't stop thinking of him as Hades he's so hot.

Paul smiles and nods, "Lola we should be on our way now, our mum is gonna kill us if we aren't home in time".

I feel so disappointed, " oh ummm, that's not a problem, I.. Ummm... Well see you guys around then", I  wave at them both.

They wave back and hopped into their car and off they went with Joseph's face plastered on the passengers window staring at me.

I walked into the house and up to room, and layed down on my bed.
Greg came to mind and I thought about when I was with Marilyn at James & Jane. He looked so gorgeous unlike before, and seriously, he's still with those his crew from school?
He didn't even utter a word while we were together the other day. He's still so reserved, well, I'm still so reserved.
But I never expected to meet him so early when I got back to Casablanca.
I didn't know if he took a good look at me because I couldn't even look up to his face, I didn't want to feel hot and embarrassed.
I wonder what he's doing now, maybe he's with his crew now.

I got a text from Marilyn.
'Girl let's meet up at the mall, we need to get dresses for the party at the castle. Can't wait to meet up with those hot and spicy princes. Anyways catch ya'.
I groan, why is everyone going on and on and on about this stupid party at the castle which I wasn't even informed about.
I get up from the bed and picked my phone and car key, yh this time I'm taking my car.

"Ohhhhhhh, Lola pick a dress already, I have mine", Marilyn whines frustrated.

I smiled sheepishly, I don't understand why I haven't gotten a dress yet this is so unlike me, I never spend up to 30 minutes when shopping.

" Quit whining like a freaking weaned child Mary, I stayed through yours now it's my turn.......", I was cut shut by the perfect dress for me, "I've just gotten my dress for the party Marilyn. I smiled like an evil witch.

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