The Black Siblings

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We had been on the road for a couple days now and had found nothing. I knew we were looking specifically for the recall point but I at least thought we'd fight some beastmen, but this trip had been one boring ass road trip.

We had been relaxing on this particular day as Leeron had made a little compartment backpack thing that could hold him and Yoko and attached it to Gurrens back.

"Man I starving" I grumble, "Why is the recall point so far"

We traveled a bit further before we came to a sudden stop

"Let's set up camp here for the night. Me and Simon need to work on some special training" Kamina announced

"We can go a little further can't we?" I complain

"Me and Simon need to work on our combining. We made it out of our last fight by the skin of our teeth. I want to have this down so that next time we come across that bastard, we're ready" he explained

"Whatever you say bro" I said getting out of Rikettsu to help Ron and Yoko set up camp

"Shouldn't you be training too?" Yoko asks me

"Eh probably but I can't let you guys set up camp by yourselves can I?" I respond

"Guess not" Yoko smiles back

Kamina POV

Me and Simon has begun our special training away from camp so we don't disturb the others

"Listen Simon, a manly combining outta be somehow more beautiful. The act of two manly souls combining into a raging inferno" I explain

"Here jump on my shoulders" I command


"Just get on my shoulders" I say again

"It's useless if we're not in our mechas" he said as I got in Gurren

"Cmon Simon" I say throwing boulders at him as he dodges


"Simon! Combine!" I yell back

"How am I supposed to do that" he says back

"I said combine" I yell throwing another boulder


"Those two seem to be enjoying themselves" Leeron says relaxing in a lawn chair

"Eh. So what was it you wanted to check on" Yoko asks

"Come and see" Leeron responds

We walk over and see a box with 4 crawly drone things as Leeron puts on some special white gloves

"You brought those things. You and your creepy toys" Yoko says shaking her head

"You don't need to be rude ya know" Leeron snaps back

Leeron then moved his fingers and the drones shot out a grid of lasers that scanned Lagann

"Just as I thought. I've seen all kinds of gunmen over the years but I've never seen anything quite like this" Leeron says looking at a screen showing the result of the scan

"Quite like what" Yoko asks

"It's just a theory but if it's true, then Lagann is very special" Leeron explains

Suddenly a boulder fell from the sky and almost smashed us, sending us back onto our asses

"Oops. Sorry about that. Guess one got away from me" Kamina says

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