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i flinch at the sound of my alarm suddenly going off. i look at my phone to see it's almost two o'clock and groan.

"i can hear your loud groaning shut up." i hear kenma faintly yell. i roll my eyes but than remember i get to go room shopping.

i go get ready.

fits bcs i'm bored 😝

—fits bcs i'm bored 😝

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i am not putting u in jeans and a sweater cause that's boring asf.

i put on my outfit and stare at myself. "damn i look pretty good today." i whisper to myself.

i decide to ask kenma if he wanted to come since i was bored and had no friends here.

"kenma come shopping with me." i yell through his door. "no i'm tired go by yourself." i hear him say in a groggy voice.

"no and besides we got to go grocery shopping  anyways so just come you dumb shit." i hear him groan and i smile in victory.

two seconds later he comes out with a bored face and walks past me to put on his shoes.

we both put our shoes on and wait for the uber i called earlier. when the uber finally arrives we sat there in silence.

i tried making conversation but that didn't really go well.

"so kenma do you have friends?" i say patting my hands on my lap. he glares at me "why do you think just because i play video games i have no friends?" i squint at him.

"no i thought that because you have literally the bitchest attitude." i snap back as i look out the window.

i hear the driver nervously clearing his throat as he turns the radio up more.

the driver dropped us off and i apologized while i was paying him. "no it's alright i've experienced worse." i frown at his statement and decide to give him an extra one thousand dollars.

"here i don't really need the money anyways, have a great day!" i say as i get out the car. i look around but realize that kenma was already in the store.

i walk in and clap my hands. i than look to my right to see kenma and a baby staring at eachother. i stifle my laughter and walk over to them.

kenma notices me and glances "y/n what the fuck is that." he says pointing at the baby.

"you got to be kidding me kenma, that's a baby." i say as i crouch down to its height.

"don't get close to it y/n i'm pretty that's just a hairless dog." i close my eyes and regret my life for a few seconds before exhaling.

the baby than looks at kenma and gestures him to pick it up. kenma hesitantly picks him up in his arms.

i awe at the sight and go to take a picture when the baby suddenly pukes on kenma. i step back and turn around and started laughing.

"y/n omg this isn't funny what the fuck did this dog even eat i hate life." kenma says panicking while the baby still in his grasp.

i don't manage to answer i'm since i'm still dying of laughter on the floor while the other customers stare at us.

i than hear a gasp come from our side to see a middle aged woman come near us. "oh my hiroshi i told you not to run off like that!" she picks him off kenma.

she than noticed the puke and widens her eyes. "i am so sorry please take this one hundred to buy you a new shirt." he was about to take it when i snatched it and gave it back to her.

"no you don't have to pay i'll buy him a shirt." she smiles sympathetically and mouths a 'thank you' before heading off.

"ok room shopping can wait let's get you a new sweater, i'll pay just stay six feet away from me stinky ass." i say moving away from him and walking out of the store which connects to a mall.

i find the nearest clothing store and glance behind me to make that kenma is following. i see him trying to hide the puke by walking sideways but people can still smell him.

i motion kenma to stay there so i can get him a new sweater. i go in the store and pick out one and pay.

when i come out i see a dog trying to lick the puke off of kenma's sweater while kenma looks like he's about to throw up.

oh god what am i going to do with him.

i thought i posted this LOL whoops

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