yuki is a gay lil rat man and that that's that in hat jthat that that thant

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[chapter 1: yuki goes to school and eats lunch but is lonely because he's gY and no one likes gay peolpl this is the title of the chapter btw not the actual contents of the chapter ok thx]

yuki somha gets up and showers and brushes his pretty hair with a brush and then finishes and gets dressed and goes to school.

he waits for school to start because he always arrives 3 hours early because he's cool and he likes to hang out with the janitor.

he eats lunch in the cafeteria all by himself because no one likes him because he's gay.

school starts and he learns about quantum physics but he already knows about them because he is very cool. he looks out the window which he sits next to and thinks about how sad his life is and how lonely he is because no one likes gay people.

he decides to join the student council because it has cute boys and so he can become president of school and make homophobia illegal.

after school yuki somma goes to the student council room but it's all messy because (REDACTED FEMALE CHARACTER BECAUSE THATS NOT GAY ENOUGH)

yuki cleans up the room by himself but then a very cute boy walks in and yuki thinks to himself "wow he's a cute boy I will marry him but not actually that's GAy"

the cute boy says "hi im kakeru manboygyy do you need help cleaning up this mess"

"yes that would be if immense help to me as i am a busy man"

they both clean in silence until the cute boy (kakeru) asks yuki why he is here.

yuki blushes because a very cute boy is talking to him and then answers "well i wanted to join the student council to end homophobia"

kakeru replies (sexily) "understandable btw it's totally cool that your gay it's not like it matters you are totally valid dude i have a lot of hot gay friends I mean gay friends"

yuki is taken aback by how accepting and kind kakeru is and silently finished cleaning the room

when they finish kakeru smiles at yuki and says "thx you're on the student council now btw bye"

yuki replies "k" and then they both go home

[chapter 2: yuki starts s to question his sexuality and thinks maybe he is actually homosexual]

yuki lies in his bed late at night thinking about kakeru and how hot he is and how he wants to kiss him and then the sun comes up and yuki realizes he got no sleep because he's too gay to sleep

yuki brushes his pretty hair and gets ready for school but then he gets a text from a mysterious number that says "hi it's me kakeru I got your phone number and I wanted to ask you out on a date ok bye"

yuki panics because he's never been asked on a date because he's lonely (but still very cool and pretty) and then finally manages to text back "k"

yuki and kakeru go to Starbucks on a date and they both order the same thing accidentally because it's romantic

yuki stares at kakeru wondering when they should kiss and then realizes he hasn't actually communicated with him yet and then yuki says "nice weather right"

kakeru replies "yes"

yuki is shocked by his answer and falls in love even more and then says "i love you kakeru but like not in a gay way"

kakeru replies "ok" and they get married and live happily ever after but like not in a gay way


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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