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Start from the beginning

"What about your other friend? What's their name?" Touya asks and Katsuki hums, slanting in the weight of his thoughts. "I do not know. I have not thought of a name for them. I wish I could understand them. That way I could simply ask what they'd like to be called." 

Touya chuckles at that, hand reaching up into Katsuki's flaxen hair to massage at his scalp. "Cutie. I think I might have a name for her, if you'd like some help." He offers and Katsuki looks up at him with a probing gaze and Touya leans over to kiss his crown, hand going to rub soothing circles into Katsuki's side. "When I was a kid, there was this game we'd play on our computers. Shouto really loved it; it was his favorite." He begins, watching the spiders as Katsuki offers his other hand to Milo to give them more space to move around. 

"The game had a story about these two little buddies. One of their names was Ilo and the other? Their name was Milo. And one day, they got separated from each other. It made them really sad, you know." He continues, noting the way that Katsuki's brows pinch together as he nods. "I would be very sad as well." He sympathizes and Touya hums his agreement. "So they decided they'd do whatever it takes to get back to each other. It's hard for them, with so many obstacles in their way." 

"B-But...do Ilo and Milo ever see each other again?" 

"They do. They manage to find each other and it makes them soooo happy that they hug and squeeze and snuggle each other as soon as they see each other. They never wanna be apart again." He finishes, pointing at the unnamed spider in Katsuki's palm. "So why don't we name them Ilo? That way, Ilo and Milo can stay together forever and they'll never be apart." 

Katsuki splits into a grin, eyes sparkling excitedly when he turns to look Touya in the eyes again with a nod. He carefully moves his hands back over to the bush where he allows Ilo and Milo to climb back on, scurrying into the bush together. Katsuki practically throws himself into Touya's arms for a hug and the alpha peppers his face in gentle kisses as he lifts Katsuki into his arms and carries him over to the swings. He settles there, arms around Katsuki's slim waist while the omega gets comfortable in his lap. 

"Did they send you to come and take me back?" 

"Mm? No, I just wanna be with my baby. I hate to see my sweet kitten so upset. I wanted to make sure that you were okay." Touya clarifies, nuzzling into Katsuki's soft skin. "Do I need an excuse to want to be with my boyfriend?" 

Katsuki giggles with a shake of his head, eyes fixed on their front porch where he sees Toshinori peek his head out and then back in again when their eyes lock with one another. 

What an odd man. 

"I did not mean to worry you. I am very sorry." 

"No, no, angel. Remember, I said to stop apologizing for having feelings. You're never going to upset me just because you're emotional. I'd just rather be sure that you're alright. Can you tell me what's got you so upset? You know that you don't have to go and see Tomura if you don't want to; they won't force you." 

Katsuki hums with a nod. "I...I had forgotten that I wouldn't be staying here with them for very long. Though, I am very confused about what is going on. Tomura and I have never had parents. Who are these people that are coming to see me? And...why is Tomura in the place where the bad people go? Did he do something wrong?" 

Touya grimaces at such a line of questioning.

"I...think it may be time for you and Nori to sit down and have a talk about that. But now that you know that you have parents, aren't you excited to meet them?" 

"I do not feel any other emotion other than trepidation upon the idea of meeting strangers who supposedly have familial ties to me. They are just going to take me away? I am very scared, Touya. And I know that they never intended to keep me but I really do not want to leave---" 

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