"Probably my neck and my collarbone." I say shrugging, trying to act nonchalant.

I watch as he eyes my neck. Suddenly I feel the room getting hotter as I imagine Harry kissing my collarbone. I snap out of it realizing I'm the one to ask the question now.

"And you asked me this question last time, have you ever had sexual thoughts about a guy before?" I smirk, this was an important question that could make or break me.

I see him immediately stare down at the floor, his face obviously getting red.

"Haha, yeah I mean I guess I have...had sexual *gulp* thoughts.. haha about a guy... before."

Jeez, that took him 5 minutes to get that sentence out. That's fishy. But promising.

"Truth or truth." He says before I can even react to his most recent confession.


"Who are you closest with in the band?"

"You of course, Hazza. Who else?" I smile pulling him into a hug and rubbing my hands through his hair.

"I sort of figured that, I secretly just wanted to hear you say that. You're my closest too." He says smiling as he nudges deeper into my cuddle. "Let's play the rest of the game like this, I'm comfortable." He says.

I nod my head, so willing to do anything that involves cuddling with my Hazza.

"Truth." He says, doing the same thing I had done to him rounds earlier.

I chuckle at his cute little joke.

"Out of everyone in the band, who would you date and why? And that includes all of the, well...sexual parts of dating."

Jeez that just spewed out of my mouth. You didn't even think twice before you asked that! Give him a break, that's a lot to ask your best friend.

I saw his eyes go big and the breath leave his body. He looks like he's just seen a ghost. Is he okay? Did I go too far, did I freak him out?

"Hazza?" I ask, interrupting his freak out.

I see him snap out of it as he looks up at me in the eyes.

"Um, probably...well honestly. You." He says looking down at our feet which were intertwined and rubbing against each other.

I smile, luckily he can't see it. I feel my heart light up for what feels like the 50th time this trip. I tighten my hold around his waist and kiss his head.

"Me too." I whisper.

He looks up to me with a smirk. "You'd date yourself too?" He asks with a prankish grin.

"Uh no haha, no I meant I'd date you too." I stutter, practically not even saying the words right.

I see him flash me a content grin before he returns his head against my chest. I bring my hands up and through his hair, massaging his head.

Usually I'm the Sass Master from Doncaster and would've said something like, "Yeah, of course I'd date myself" but for some reason, it's like I'm incapable of doing that around Harry. It's strange and completely new to me. I have yet to get used to it.

"Truth or truth?" He asks me.

"Truth, actually no, truth." I say, chuckling at my own joke.

"Have you ever read fanfiction about people in the band, and which ones?" He asks, raising his eyebrow.

That was a good question, because it's a hard one to answer. Of course I have, I think pretty much all of the boys have read at least one. I can tell him that, I'm not ashamed of that, it's the last part of his question that is hard to answer. Because the only ones I've read were... Larry Stylinson ones. Even before I knew I loved him, I would read only those ones because I felt they were more entertaining and really hooked me in. Maybe I've always loved him, I mean why else would I read Larry Stylinson fanfiction, and kind of reread the smut chapters multiple times.

My First Real Crush [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now