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Pay: Jackson you're on speaker
I felt like my heart sank
Pay: no! We'll get you and call the ambulance
Jackson: did before I called you guys
You: ok ok
That's when I realized I was having a panic attack
I get it but why now!
No no calm down
Pay: babe? Hey you ok? Breathe Mel breathe
He helped me calm down just like Addi normally would and I broke down crying
Pay: I know babe I know, let's get Jack and go to the hospital
Jackson: I'm sorry Mel
You: it's not your fault we'll come get you
Jackson: oh thanks

We drove to where he was and I saw Addi on the floor getting picked up
Nurse: ma'am stay back, are you family?
You: am I family I'm her fucking best friend!!! Let me go! ADDI
Nurse: you can see her in the hospital
You: no no No I WANNA SEE HER NOW!
Doctor: Melanie?
You hug him and cry
Doctor: Mel she's gonna be ok, come on you can ride with us
Pay: we'll see you there babe!
You: bye

*Paytons POV*
I couldn't stand seeing her so broken...what no Payton snap our of it
Pay: were you crying?!
Jackson: what no ofc not, dude I can't do this to her
Pay: yes you can! We have to ok! They're gonna kill them if we don't
Jackson: I can finally see what's so special about them
Pay: I know- I mean no no no ok focus
Jackson: Payton
Pay: shut up!
I drove to the hospital and saw Addison in a bed with cables attached to her and Melanie also with cables wait what?!
*Ens of POV*
Addi: Mel? Who are you guys?! Get away from her! Where's Quinton?!!! Wait Jackson?
Jackson; I'm right here baby I promise
Pay: what happened?
Addi: she got shot out of nowhere when she was outside right in her stomach
Payton got mad and really really mad
Jackson: Payton
Doc: excuse me sir what are you
Jackson: he's her bf
Pay: her bf that's about to kill the person that shot her and I know exactly who
Jackson: Payton no
Addi: what are you talking about?
Jackson: nothing babe go back to bed me and Payton need to do something
She went back to sleep and Jackson kissed her head
Jackson: I love you princess
Addi: Mel please wake up
You groaned a bit and tried to move
Addi: Melli?! DOC!
Doc: what's wrong?!!
Addi: Melli!! She moved!!
Doc: thank you Addison we'll let you know
She nodded and had tears in her eyes
Addi: I need to call Jackson

Jackson: babe hey? PAYTON!
Addi: Melli moves get here NOW
Jackson: ok ok we'll be there, PAYTON LETS GO
Addi: what's going on over there
Jackson: nothing babe, PAYTON SHE MOVED LETS GO
And just like that he hung up

Your/Melanies POV
You: hello?
Addi: Melli hey I thought I lost you
You: never
Payton; omg thank god
He started kissing my face and had glossy eyes
Payton: don't ever leave me like that again
I cupped his face in my hands and the door flung open
Quint: omg they just told me the news hey
You: were you crying?
Quint: what? I can't cry?
You: I'm not saying that you know what I mean
Quint: yeah I'm glad you're ok
You: oh hey sorry about Addi being rude earlier I'm Melanie
?: it's ok I'm Zoe
You: nice to meet you Zoe
Addi: yeah well I'm not sorry
You: Adds drop it
Charli: GUYS?! Hey Quinton just told me
Addi: you little fuck
Quint: what she was gonna come and she was not gonna like what she saw ok
You: hey Char Char
I opened my arms and she layed next to me hugging me
Charli: i thought I lost you and Addi
You: never ok
Addi: hey! I want a hug tooooo🥺
Charli laughed and layed with her while I wiped Payton's tear away and kissed his nose
You: I'm gonna be ok bubs
Payton: I know
Jackson: hey babe?
Addi: yeah?
Jackson: who's that?
Addi: wh
She started hyperventilating
Pay: hey stay in bed Jackson's got this
Quint: you little bitch
Quinton punched him right in the throat
Jackson: who was that
You: Charli cover her ears
She does it and I explain about Addisons abusive ex
He started punching him until he was dead
Pay: Jack, call V
Jackson: go it they need to be safe


My best friend's brother💞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang