"What are you doing?" Narcissa spat as Bexley put an arm around her.

"It's called a hug, it's what you do when someones sad. I'm sure they do it in the magic world too." Narcissa didn't say anything, but leaned into Bexley and soaked her robes, Bexley rubbed her hand up and down Narcissa's fragile frame.

"I'm just...trying...to survive." Narcissa choked on her words as her tears subsided.

"I know. What did he do Narcissa?" Slowly, Nacrissa pulled up her jumper sleeves to reveal deep bruising hand marks up arms.

"I tried, I tried to suggest half-bloods are equal to us and he...he..."

"It's alright." Bexley pulled her in tighter and Narcissa clung to her for dear life. Narcissa had been drip fed since a young age with these toxic ideas, and this was her punishment for thinking for herself.


The girls didn't speak of their encounter ever again, but when they passed in the Halls, Bexley smiled and Narcissa returned it ever so slightly.

"Do you think nargles are real?" Lily whispered to Bexley one night in their dormitory as they both laid on Bexley's bed.

"Pandora does make a pretty valid case." Bexley turned to face her friend.

"That's what I thought.  Do you think Xenophilius actually believes in that stuff or he just says he does because he fancies the pants off Pandora? "

"A little bit of both. I think the more he falls for her the more he accepts it." Lily stifled a laugh.

"Maybe he has-" Lily stopped mid-sentence as voices were heard outside their dormitory.

"That sounds like Sirius." Bexley mouthed. They waited for the voices to quieten down, meaning they had entered the common room.

Lily opened their dormitory door and snuck a look at the owners of the voices "It's them! And they have James's cloak! Get some shoes on Morgan, we're going for a midnight stroll!" Lily hurried to her bed, pulling on a jumper and trainers.

"Who are you and what have you done to Lily Evans?" Bexley asked as she hopped around, trying to get her other trainer on.

"I hate to admit that James is rubbing off on me. Come on." Bexley took Lily's outstretched hands as they slipped off down to the common room. The boys were just stepping through the portrait hole as the girls reached the bottom step. Waiting a few seconds, they followed after them, the boys disappeared under the cloak, but seemed to forget it wasn't sound proof, Lily and Bexley followed the sound of their bickering, still holding hands, the girls ran through the castle after them.

Having a close call with Filch, they finally managed to escape into the grounds of the castle, where the boys relieved themselves of the cloak and ran towards the Forbidden Forest. Further, into the woods they went, using their free hands, the girls retrieved their wands, and wordlessly cast Lumos.

"They're slowing down." Bexley announced, pulling Lily behind a fallen tree, the girls crouched and watched the boys with curiosity. They began pulling off their ties, shirts and trousers, only standing in their boxers, Lily's eyes went wide as she stared at James, Bexely chuckled.

"Shut up! We haven't you know, done, anything like that..." Lily turned a profound shade of crimson. As Bexley stared at Sirius, her tongue wetted her lips "Have you and Black done the dirty!" Lily gasped, the boys heads snapped towards them and Bexley shoved Lily side ways so they were laying on top of each other, hidden.

"No, we have not! But lets just say that I know for a fact Sirius has a weak spot for neck kisses."

"You, Bexley Morgan are a harlot" Lily smirked.

"Just because you're not getting any." Bexely retorted as they sat up.

"I am fine with that!"

"I'm just saying Lil, you seem pretty, wound up." Bexley taunted her flustered friend further, in response, Lily smacked Bexley on the back of the head and muttered something under her breath. "Sure you're not a Sadist?" Lily practically growled at Bexley in fury.

"Look!" Bexley turned their attention back to the boys, and they began to morph. Their loved ones stood before them as a stag, a large black dog and a scruffy rat, Remus sat at the base of a tree as the animals dug their feet into the earth, connecting with it. James began goading Sirius, who in turn ran circles around his friend, Peter close behind. Lily and Bexley watched them in awe, it was the first time they had seen them as their other forms.

"They're like children." Lily beamed.

"When aren't they." Bexley admired Sirius, his long fur shining. Remus's laughter carried to them as James began poking him with his antlers, the meaning behind their nicknames becoming more apparent. They began to run through the Forest, chasing each other and Bexley's heart swelled. Despite Sirius's blood family being wretched, she was grateful that he had them in his life, to ease his burden.

"I have an idea." Bexley turned to Lily. "Can you cast a full Patronus?"

"Of course I can, do I look like an imbecile?" Lily's grip readjusted on her wand and the two closed their eyes, focusing on one of their most happiest moments, allowing it fill them entirely, Bexley smiled as she thought of the first time she told Sirius she loved him.

"Expecto Patronum." They spoke in unison, from the tips of their wands erupted ethereal animals, Lily's doe bowed its head before running towards James, Bexley's rabbit quick to follow. At first, the boys were confused, they stayed clear of the Patronuses, Remus became alert, his eyes scanning the Forest for the culprits, Bexley slowly stood and waved awkwardly at him.

Making their way down to Remus, their Patronuses interacted with them. It was a beautiful sight to behold and Bexley wished she could have this feeling forever.

"I shouldn't be surprised." Remus sighed.

"It was bound to happen Remus." Bexley grinned innocently. Sirius approached her and nuzzled his head into her hand. "You're quite cute." Her fingers caressing his fur.

If we were lovers|Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now