"Hey Ashido," you greeted, a smile growing on your lips.

"Hey [Name]! How's it going?"

"It's going good. I have some good news to tell you."

  "What's the good news?"

"I'm pregnant!"

"You're pregnant! You and Eijiro have been trying lately? How long have you two been trying?"

You let out a hum. "For about four months, maybe less than that."

"Have you told Eijiro yet?"

"No, he's currently at work. Hirohito is spending the night at s friend's house so I have the place to myself until Eijiro comes home. I'm sure he's going to be excited."

"He's gonna be so fucking excited. I remember the first time you guys were trying for a kid, I overheard his conversation with Bakugo and Kaminari. Eijiro was saying some graphic stuff between the two of and getting a bit concerned that it might be his problem that you're not pregnant yet. Kirishima even said that his dick might be broken."

You let out a laugh. "Eijiro said that? He's told me that he was feeling discouraged, but I assured him that he's okay and having a baby takes time. I'm just waiting for him to open the front door so I can tell him."

"Sometimes I still can't believe that he got the public's attention first out of the group in our first years. I thought Bakugo was, but nope."

"Eijiro is such a wonderful person," you chuckled, remembering the first time you met him. "He's so kind and sweet."

"Anyways, I have to go. I'm going out with Sero because there's going to be a party for the heroes and stuff. It's kinda cool because the food's great. Are you and Eijiro coming?"

"I'll ask him when he comes home," you said.

"Okay. Bye [Name] and congratulation!"

"Bye Ashido and thank you."

You ended the call, pulling the phone away from your ear. You laid down on the couch, holding a pillow close to your chest and gazing up at the ceiling. Now you just have to wait for Kirishima to come home.


"I'm home!"

You stood up from the couch and ran over to Kirishima. You jumped into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and he almost stumbled, but he caught himself and his arms wrapped around your waist. He let out a deep chuckle.

"Is something wrong?" Kirishima asked, squeezing you. "Or did something good happen."

You pulled away a little, looking Kirishima in his eyes with a smile on your features. "I'm pregnant!"

Kirishima gazed at you, his mind processing what you just said and the biggest smile forms on his features. He pulls you close to him and holds you above the ground, spinning in a circle with you in his arms. He let out a laugh, putting you back on the ground and you could see his eyes getting glossy.

"You're pregnant," Kirishima said. He cups your face and presses multiple kisses on your lips, chuckling through each kiss. "We're having another kid."

"I made an appointment to see the doctor," you informed.

"Let me change and we'll spend time together," Kirishima said. Before he left, he placed a long and sweet kiss on your lips.

You chuckled, walking over to the couch and sitting down. You waited for Kirishima to arrive in the living room and while you waited, you decided to watch Isle of Dogs because it's a cute movie and you love it. You heard quick and heavy footsteps, looking over your shoulder to see Kirishima running into the living room and jumping onto the couch.

He wore his black short sleeve shirt and sweatpants. He laid against the couch, pulling you to lay against his chest and in between his legs. His arms rested on your waist as you lay on your side, the two of you watching the movie and seeing the little boy and the dogs fighting off the workers that tried to take the little boy.

"It makes me so fucking happy," Kirishima sighed, squeezing you slightly. "We're having another kid. I wonder if we're having a boy or a girl. Which would you prefer?"

You let out a giggle, feeling Kirishima place kisses on your neck as he shifted to lay on his side and your back facing him. His hand resting on the dip of your waist and he moved it to go underneath your shirt, resting on your stomach. You flinched when you felt his cold hand, but you grew used to it and his hand started to warm up.

"I'll still be happy if we get either one," you stated, Kirishima's face resting in the crook of your neck. "I'm just glad to know we're having another kid." 

"Me too," Kirishima said, placing another kiss on your neck. "I just can't wait to meet your kid when they come into this world. I'm sure Hiro will be happy to have another sibling."

Kirishima lifted his face out of the crook of your neck and you looked up at him, smiles on his and your face. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a kiss and your hand went up to rest against his cheek. You let out a hum and Kirishima pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. You opened your eyes, seeing Kirishima gazing deeply into yours and you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Good thing Hiro is at a friend's house," you laughed, Kirishima joining you in the laugh. "He wouldn't have let us do this."

"When the baby comes, they won't let us do this," Kirishima stated, lying on his side and pulling you to his chest. "We are going to have less time together, but it'll be fine. I'll take many a month or two to help you when the baby is here."

"I'll be fine by myself, Eijiro," you said, placing your hands on top of his.

"I'm still going to help," Kirishima stated, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I'm sure the agency will be fine without me for a month or two and they will understand too."

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