Zuke's Inner Wolf

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The next day in the headquarters, Ellie the alligator came to her owners and she gave Zuke a lick on the cheek to wake him up. "Hey Ellie, how's my junka-gator?" Ellie let out a squeak in response. Zuke then sat up on the couch while the little cyan gator jumped onto Zuke's lap. "Hey Green Light, how's your shoulder?" Mayday asked greedily. "It's still the same May. But don't worry, it'll go away in 30 days." Said Zuke.  Mayday then frowned. "Hmm... I hope so. Do you want to walk around Vinyl City a bit?" Mayday asked before she goes up the latter. Zuke then got up from the couch and followed her. It was 7:00pm in the city as the duo sat on the roof. "Last night after I was attacked, It... feels like I was burning inside. I couldn't sleep last night because of what happened, man..." explained Zuke. Mayday started to feel worried about her best friend. "Zuke, what has gotten into you? You've been thinking about eating meat non-stop." Mayday said. The full moon rises in front of the band duo. "Wow... the full moon sure looks pretty." Mayday thought. Then she turned to Zuke who grunted as he's puts his hands on his head. Feeling more pain inside, Zuke began to scream that made Mayday worry even more. "Zuke?" Mayday asked as he got on his knees. He looked at his hands to see himself changing. His nails grew sharp and blue hair started to grow from his body. He grew a couple inches tall as his canines grew sharper. Zuke's screams turns into growls as Mayday backs away from what she's seeing. He then grew a snout. When the transformation is complete, he began to howl at the moon. Mayday now realizes that the strange creature from the beach... was a "werewolf." She kinda knew something like that was gonna happen to Zuke. The blue werewolf then turned to face Mayday hungrily, growling. Mayday backs up more and ran away as the blue wolf started to chase her. Before she made it back to the headquarters, the werewolf pinned her down to the ground and roared. Mayday didn't have a choice. "I'm sorry if I have to do this Zuke..." Mayday thought as she hit the blue werewolf hard with her guitar, Causing the werewolf to be knocked out. Mayday was panicking, seeing her bandmate like this. She needs to find someone who knows more about werewolves. When Mayday opens the lid to the headquarters, she carried Zuke to the couch.

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