Waiting with mistakes

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3 hours later

Maya's POV:

We've been waiting for 3 hours to hear how she's doing. She hasn't woken up yet. I feel so horrible!! I knew she liked Lucas and I knew Lucas liked her. He was vulnerable and I took advantage of that, how could I? I was just doing an experiment. I thought I liked Lucas but really I don't. I was just lonely. I felt no connection with Lucas, no sparks, nothing. I don't like him. Who do I like then? Farkle just got here. His hair perfectly the same, his cute smirk he does when he sees me or Riley. He's just. Perfect. Wait do I like Farkle? No. No way. Ok maybe I do. I can't tell anyone, except Riley. Only her. I owe her. Lucas has avoided me the whole time here, I need to apologize.
He doesn't even flinch. He's not acknowledging my existence.
"Lucas, I know you hear me. Answer me."
"Lucas please!"
" what do you want me to say? Oh hey Maya! How are you doing waiting for your best friend to come out ok?" He was angry
"Why are you so mad at me?" I need to know.
" because this is my fault. If I haven't kissed you then we wouldn't be here!!"
" Lucas I just need to tell you I'm sorry. I thought I liked you but I don't ok. I just kissed you to make sure I didn't feel Sparks and I felt nothing with you. NOTHING. So sorry, I like someone else and it took me this long to realize it."
" so you just risked you best friend to test your brain? You just used me? Why, you are not the Maya I know. And I barely like the old you. I hate this new you. You know I really like Riley? In fact I think I love her. And all of my chances just drained. All of them."
"Lucas I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive me."
"I do. But go back to the old you."
Then the doctor came out.
"Is she alright?!" I asked
"I'm afraid not. She is in critical condition and may not wake up ever." Right when he said that a tear rolled down my face slowly.

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