Chapter I

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Again, if you haven't read the TW in the description, please do.
Also random fun fact, I have the same initials as Bakugou.

Chapter I

The snow fall became heavier and started sticking to the ground.

You smiled as you thought about the boy and how he'd probably be happy to see it.

Your feet kicked up and down impatiently before you folded your legs up to your chest. Your attention drifted away from the window and over to the clock.

It had been about twenty minutes since your mother left and you were annoyed with how long this was taking. You just wanted to sleep.

"Y/n? Come on hun." A nurse said as she emerged from the hallway.

You look over to your right to see a brown haired nurse with glasses who was about 5'7.

You got up and turned right to walk towards her. "Hange!" You said excitedly as you jumped up and down a little.

"Hey kiddo, long time no see." She said giving you a small smile and head pat.

She turned around as you two started to walk down the hallway.

You turned right, then left, then right again.

Hange spoke up right before you were finally met with your destination.

"Sorry I took so long, there was a kid who needed to be restrained and brought back to their room." She explained, scratching the back of her head before she gave a quick chuckle.

You gave her a small smile then walked into your destination.

It was a small room with a couple of tables and a big curtain. On the tables were three bins and next to them was a gray shirt with a bracelet lying on top.

You put your bag in one of the bins along with your phone and stepped behind the curtain to undress.

You lifted your shirt up and over your head before sticking your arm out of the curtain for Hange to take it.

Next was your pants. You did the same thing and reached out for Hange to take them so she could check and make sure you weren't trying to sneak anything in.

"Alright hun step out. I know this part is awkward but you have to." She said - sighing, knowing very well you hated this part and weren't comfortable with being this exposed.

You took off your binder, now only in your boxers, and stepped out.

You covered your chest with your arm and looked down towards the floor, embarrassed.

Hange crossed her arms and looked at you, a frown percent on her face.

"I know this is the worst part, but it's only quick." She said as she motioned for you to come forward.

You put your arms up as she scans you up and down.

She motioned for you to turn around and did the same on your back side.

"Alright kiddo, all set." She smiled with a nod as she handed you the grey shirt and pants along with your binder.

You stepped back behind the curtain to put your new clothes on.

You didn't particularly like the shade but you knew you would be changing again soon.

At this facility they have you were shirts and pants based on your diagnosis('s) to help keep track of you.

The gray was what you put on when you first got there and then you'd change accordingly, after you saw the clinician.

You pulled the shirt over your head and pulled your pants up.

You stepped out from behind the curtains with a displeased look on your face.

Hange sighed and motioned for you to come towards her.

"I know you don't want to be here hun, and I know you hate that shade of gray." She said, giggling at the last part causing you to giggle as well.

"I went through all your things and everything seems to be okay. I need to go over rules with you real quick, then I can bring you to meet the others. We have about 19 kids at the moment, 20 including you. One boy and the rest are girls." Hange said before reaching over towards the tables picking up a bracelet that had been siting there.

"I also need to put this on you, it restricts your quirk so you can't use it here." She explained while giving you a smile.

She took a key out of her uniform pocket and unlocks the bracelet. She put the key back in her pocket before putting the bracelet around your wrist, locking automatically.

"Alright kid, lets go meet the others." She said with a smile.

She reached for the door and let you out, following close behind you.

Chapter 1!
I promise the chapters will get longer eventually 😅

- K xx

Edited: 3.26.21

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