(Colbys outfit)

I went downstairs and put on my shoes (black converse cuz why not) After that I grabbed my keys got into my car and backed into Sam's driveway.(Their driveways are right across from each other)
I got out knocked on the door. It opened quickly to be greeted by his mom giving me a hug. "He will be down in a few minutes, come wait by the steps." I walk into the house shutting the door behind me. I walk over to the steps and wait. Soon I hear the sound of heels. When Sam comes Into veiw my jaw drops.

 When Sam comes Into veiw my jaw drops

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(Sam's outfit, I know I never mentioned this before but Sam is trans

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(Sam's outfit, I know I never mentioned this before but Sam is trans. He has 🍒)

Sam looked at me and blushing then looked down. He started walking down the steps. I walked to the end of the stairs and put my hand out for him. He took my hand and walk to the rest of the way down. Once he was all the way down he placed a kiss on my cheek. "Awww before you leave let me take a picture" His mom said. I put my arm around his waist and let his mom take a picture. Once we were done she let us leave. I walked out to my new car that I bought specially for prom night.

I opened the car door, Sam smiled and got in, I shut the door behind him and got in on my side

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I opened the car door, Sam smiled and got in, I shut the door behind him and got in on my side. "So what do you think?" I asked while buckling my seat belt. "It's beautiful but you didn't have to do this for prom night." He says looking down at his lap.
"Anything for you, baby boy." He just looked up at me and smiled, and with that we headed off the the school.
Skip time ~
Me and Sam walked through the double doors hand in hand. Once we got there the whole gym was crowded. "Wanna dance?" I ask as I hold out my hand "I would love to" he said while talking my hand. I walk us to the center of the dance floor. That's when Sam's favorite song came on.

I pulled Sam in by the waist while he wrapped his arms around my neck. We just stood there swaying back and forth looking into each other's eyes. I took my hand off his waist and took his hand in mine, then spind him around. He tripped over the end of his dress and almost fell but I caught him.

 He tripped over the end of his dress and almost fell but I caught him

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(Like this)

By then the song was over and me and Sam were still in this position. We were both leaving in for a passionate kiss, when someone took the DJs microphone. "I have an announcement" the person said. I lifted him up so we are both standing up straight and looked at the stage to see who was talking. Brennen. He reached to his back pocket and pulled out my journal! (Ok idk why but this is kind of reminding me of Sharkboy and Lavagirl lol) "So, this kid Colby Brock, he has a secret of his own and its pretty fucked up." Brennen holds up my journal in the air and continues speaking. "He is in love with his best friend........ S-Me." Sam looked at me with a tear running down his face. Brennen walked over to us and handed Sam the book and told him what page. Sam turned to the page and scanned the book till he found it. Once he did, he dropped the book and ran out of the gym. I went to go run after him but Brennen pulled me back. "Nope, there's still one more thing,  and I have the pictures to prove it." I looked a Brennen petrified.
"Colby is a-" SPLAT!  Brennen dropped the microphone as his lifeless body fell to the ground, well minis the head. Blood started pouring out of his head and onto the ground. I couldn't hear anything besides my own breathing. Blood was all over my face. Everyone started running out of the school. I started to back away slowly and walk out of the school. Soon I found myself running to my house, I could hear the police sirens.
What the hell did you do Colby!
I say in my head as I fall to my knees. I start banging my head on the concrete road.
⚠️gore is over⚠️
I hear someone screaming for me to stop. I look up and see a little boy just standing there. "Cwan yo pwease stop hurtin your self?" The little boy asks as he tuns towards me. I look him in the eyes and tell him to stay. "My life sucks I just lost the love of my life, and I killed someone." I get up and started pacing, I look over to see that I'm in front of my house. I look at the little boy and think to myself 'One taste just a little' "Come here little one."  He slowly walks over, I kneel down so I'm his height and slowly start inching toward his neck. I let my hand rub over the kids skin. His skin felt like silk and the sound of his blood pumping through his body was so satisfying. I let my teeth sink into his silk like skin. Soon his head fell off his body.
What the hell I just killed a kid
I start panicking I grab his body and head and run over to a tree in my neighbor's yard. I leave his body up against the tree and sit his head on his neck. So now it looks like he's just leaning up against a tree but really he is just dead. I start walking back to my house. Once I get inside I dont even bother shutting my door. I summon my father.
What do you want Cole?
What happened what did Brennen do?
Oh son, Brennen he replaced Sam's name with yours.
Ok thank you father I have to go.

I run out of my house and bang on the door his mom answers "Oh hello Co- why is there blood on your face." "Something happened at prom, where's Sam?" "Upstairs" I run into the house and go to Sam's room. The door is locked. "Sam please ask one of them they will tell you what happened please" after about five minutes of me standing there the door opens. "I'm sorry" is all he says before pulling me into a hug. "No I'm sorry it all my fault."  "Uh Colby why do you have blood on your face?"  We lay down on the bed together and I explained everything even the little kid. Sam is ok with is hes saying everything is fine. We soon fall asleep in each other's arms.

kyleigh4297 go check out her Solby book!🖤

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