Start from the beginning

"So what are we going to do for your birthday?" Alicia asked, laying on her bed.

"We can celebrate it at Hogsmeade," Angelina suggested, falling down onto her bed. "I think it's pretty cool your birtday is on Halloween."

"It's kind of a bummer that it's the day my aunt and uncle died," Juniper muttered.

"But it's also the day You-Know-Who was defeated," Alicia noticed.

"Always staying positive, don't you?" Angelina said, rolling her eyes. "Well, with the Dementors around, we certainly need it."

☆ ☆ ☆

"Happy birthday!"

When Juniper opened her eyes on the morning of October 31st, she was met by two pair of eyes. Both Angelina and Alicia were bowing over her.

June closed her eyes, smiling.

"Thanks, guys."

"Now get up and let's go to Hogsmeade!"

They practically dragged her out of bed.

"Guys, Hogsmeade won't run away," June said, as she exchanged her pajamas for jeans and a sweater. "I'm pretty sure about that," she added, taking her boots and putting them on.

"I don't care," Angelina said, "let's go!"

The three of them descended the stairs to the common room only to meet the twins halfway — at least, the twins tried to meet them halfway. Both Fred and George groaned as the stairway turned into a slide and they were knocked to the ground again.

"Hello, guys," June said, offering her hand to help them up. "Are you all right?"

"Happy birthday!" The both of them exclaimed, pulled her into a hug.

Juniper smiled into Fred's shoulder as she hugged the twins back. And not for the first time, she thanked Merlin for giving her such great friends.

"Ready to have the best day of your life?" George asked, once they had let go of her.

Juniper grinned. "Bring it on."

☆ ☆ ☆

When the five of them entered the Three Broomsticks, they were met by cosy chatter and the smell of freshly baked cookies. They sat down at a table in a corner before taking off their jackets.

"The smell of cookies always makes me happy," Angelina said, closing her eyes and sniffing the air.

Juniper rolled her eyes before standing up. "Five Butterbeers and a plate of cookies?"

"Oh, no, you're the birthday girl," Fred said, as he and George stood up on either side of her and gently pushed her back into her chair. "We'll get it."

"But —"

"No buts," George said, shaking his head. "It's your day, you should enjoy it."

"I am —"


Juniper threw her arms in the air. "Fine!"

Soon enough the boys were back and the five of them enjoyed their day with Butterbeer, lots of cookies and laughter, and when Juniper strolled back to the castle with the others, she decided it had been a good day.

"There is something I need to do," Juniper said, as soon as they set foot in the castle. "I'll see you at dinner."

Before either of them could reply, June turned around and made her way over towards Professor Lupin's office. The black haired wanted to know how he dealt with this day.

"Professor Lupin?" Juniper pushed the door towards his office open and stuck her head in.

He sat in his chair behind his desk, a goblet in his hand while staring at the fire. His eyes snapped up when Juniper entered.

"Good afternoon, Juniper," he said, drinking the last bit of his drink before putting the goblet back onto his desk. "To what do I own the pleasure?"

Juniper walked towards the fireplace and watched the single photo that stood on top of it. It contained six people; two women and four men. Juniper recognized her mother instantly and shortly after that, James and Lily, too. After a couple of moments, June noticed that Remus was on the picture, too, much younger than he was now. The fifth and sixth people were Sirius Black, June's uncle and the one who escaped Azkaban, and Peter Pettigrew, the one her uncle killed.

"I came here to see how you were doing," June spoke up, turning around to look at him. "How are you?"

Remus eyed her carefully before his eyes flashed over towards the photograph.

"I still miss them everyday."

Juniper nodded but didn't say anything. Instead, she let her hand go over the spines of the books that stood on his bookshelves.

"Happy birthday, by the way," Remus said, making June turn around.

"Thank you."

She looked at him and he shuffled uncomfortable onto his chair.

"You've got your mother's eyes."

"Does it bother you?"

"No," Remus shook his head. "It just brings back many memories."

"Good ones or bad ones?"


Juniper looked down as she heard Remus approach her. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"But neither your mother, nor your uncle define you, Juniper, you are your own person."

☆ ☆ ☆

Published 04.09.2020

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