Chapter 2

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A few days later I packed up some things to take to the hotel before walking to George’s house.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” He said to me.

“Me neither. And we get to go through it together,” I smiled at him.

“No matter what happens Lils, I’ll always look after you.”

“I love you monkey,” I said hugging him.

“I love you too monkey.”

I don’t know what it was but we always called each other ‘monkey’ ever since we were kids. We then walked together to the train station where we got the train to London. We met up with our groups, Union J and my group which was recently named Bittersweet. I had seen the girls recently at my 20th birthday on the 29th of September but other than that I hadn’t got a chance to see them before now. The seven of us were still so excited that we were through to the live shows and we couldn’t contain our happiness. We all screamed loudly in the train station along with the other groups, MK1 and newly renamed District 3. We were escorted outside where a few limos waited to take us to the hotel. Me, Jess and Mollie shared a limo with District 3 which gave us a chance to properly talk to the boys, Mickey, Dan and Greg. They were really lovely boys and we all got on very well.

When we got to the hotel it was surprisingly quiet. We were the first category to get to the hotel so we all went upstairs to check out our rooms. When me, Jess and Mollie walked up to the front desk, the receptionist handed Mollie the key and we got the lift up to the third floor. Everyone was like little kids trying to race to their room and when Mollie opened the door I couldn’t believe my eyes. The spacious hallway led to a huge bedroom where three fairly big single beds stood, a massive walk in wardrobe, and a giant bathroom. It was possibly the most luxurious thing I had ever seen. We all wandered around the suite mesmerised. We unpacked all of our clothes which barely filled up half of the wardrobe before we heard a knock on the door. When Jess opened it George came running in and jumped on my bed. “Hey girls,” he said excitedly.

“George, get your shoes off my bed,” I screamed jokily at him.

“Woah sorry Lils,” He said putting his arms in the air pretending to surrender.

“Oh shut up,” I said pushing him off my bed and onto the floor.

Before I knew it, Josh, JJ and Jaymi were suddenly at the door. I let them in and they had a quick look around before we all went to check out their room. After about an hour we were told by the manager of the hotel to go to the contestants lounge.

We waited in the lounge with the other groups, getting to know them better and a few minutes later the other contestants trailed in. The over 28’s, the girls and then the boys.  It was great to finally meet who we would possibly be spending the next few months with before a group of people walked in and introduced themselves to us. Our managers, stylists, producers, and a lot more people who worked on the show. They explained everything to us about travelling to the studio and the rules of the hotel and all the little things we needed to know about the show. We were then guided into a room where we were given gift bags with fancy things in it. I literally squealed when I saw that we each had been given an iPhone 5 and an iPad. We spent the next couple of hours exchanging numbers and taking funny pictures on our new gadgets. It was lovely getting to know everyone especially Ella who was so sweet and all the boys were really lovely guys.

After getting to know everyone, me, Mollie and Jess went back to the room to finish unpacking the rest of our stuff. Later, after hours of settling in and chatting about nothing in particular, we all left the room to walk downstairs for dinner. As we walked down the corridor I could sense someone was running up behind me until eventually George caught up and rested his arm on my shoulder. I held onto his waist before asking, “How are you feeling?”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2012 ⏰

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