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✨ Neils pov ✨

"Today is going to be perfect" i said wile putting my space suit on.

I walk out and spot gwen. She's the best!! Over the years I became more aware of everyone calling me "space kid" But her and Dolph don't. Hell, even David, and my parents call me that!?! Oh yeah I forgot to mention that I kinda made it a habit to cuss so I can at lease kinda fit in.

Anyways back to the point...

"howdy Gwen!"
I said happily

"Hi David... "
I said in a rude matter

You see I don't like David much.
He is kinda annoying and no matter how many times I say my name is Neil he still calls me "space kid"

"Morning "space kid"
David said awkwardly and a little sacred.

Ugh I hate that name.

"Sup neil"
Said gwen.

At that moment Nurf came in. He's a bully. I understand that he is going though a lot but that doesn't give you a right to bully and hurt people. And because I'm his main target.

"Hey space nerd!!"
Said Nurf

I look twords him.

He then walks up to me and pulls off my helmet

I then try to take it but I'm to short. He then trows it twords the floor.
It smashes...
I lunge at him.
I punch him over and over wile David and Gwen try to take me off. But I won't let them. My uncle. The coolest person in the world gave me that helmet. He passed away last year.

And Nurf broke it.

The last thing I had from him.

Why my helmet...

" Die! Die! "
I yell

Max,Nikki,and science Neil walk in.

My crush Dolph stares.

Nerris and harrison stare.

Everyone fucking stares...

I get up and run to my tent..

I can hear David and Gwen call my name...

"Neil, come back, Neil!!!"

It all happened so fast

I ran

And ran

And ran

Once I made it to my tent I took off my suit.

I was wearing a NASA shirt and galaxy tights.

I yell

I yell quieter.

"Just fucking why.."

Done with the first chapter. I hope you enjoy. This was in my drafts for a while. Soo yee?


"is there life on Mars?" A Camp Camp Space Kid StoryWhere stories live. Discover now