The Secret Spy

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It has been some time since Lindes encounter with the pidgeon. A few minutes even. He could still feel its presence.. This was normal however, he was not scared. Not at all. What he was afraid of however, was Gas. There was always something about him that didn't make sense.. Linde could feel it in his bones.. Deep within his fragile finnish bones. Everytime they played a gig somewhere, he could feel Gas staring him down from withing his glass cage. He always thought it was because he did something wrong, but he could never. He tried checking from time to time, after solos and such. But it was never then, that he looked at him. Gas never noticed his solos. That made him feel slightly sad. Although it ment a break from being hunted by Gas's eyes, he did feel pride when people noticed his solos. He works hard on them, Ville knows. Ville always notices his childs solos. So thats good i guess aha. 

|| Helsinki, at some bar idk, 21.38 ||

(just u know, imagine they are speaking finnish, i cant be asked)

Ville: Lets raise our glass for another pretty ok show, and did you guys see my childs solo??

Mige: Oh my fucking.. yes Ville, we all saw it. You RAN across the stage to tell everyone, in the middle of a song. 

Linde sat awkwardly in the corner of the bar couch. He likes Ville praising him, allthough he made a VERY big deal out of it. 

Linde pulled Ville in close, he never liked to speak up.

Linde: You know, you dont have to make such a big deal every time. I do this at least four times a week, mostly every week. The same thing. 

Ville: Well yeah, but i do have to tell my boys how good you are you know. (Ville reaches around to hold Linde) MY FUCKING SON DID A THING ON A GUITAR GUYS!

Linde enjoyed the moment with Ville, not the attention though. Thats was too much. Linde then became liquid and ran all the way outside, into the tourbuss and into his bed. He got a TV installed there for such an occation. He watched cartoons till the other boys and Mige came back. (Mige is no boy, he is mearly a person)

Voices could be herd from the outside, the boys, and Mige, had finished their night of debauchery. By debauchery i mean a few beers, some shots and a diet coke. All of which Ville drank by himself. The diet coke was for Burton. He is a soft boy. He plays piano. Piano means soft in italian.

By the time they had finished drinking and such, Linde had stumbled half awake around in the buss, he fell asleep on the floor. As usual.

Mige was first in the buss, he ran. Fast. He had to pee. He tripped over Lindes passed out body and fell on his face. He groaned in pain and picked himself up. Ville entered the buss short after.

Mige: Will you pick up your fucking son, he hit my feet with his passed out self. Im gonna go piss.

Mige marched into the toilet and stayed there.

Ville: ah..poor baby, and i just know he got into the secret fridge. 

The secret fridge is of course stacked with apple juice and skittles. 

Ville picked up his lankey, long, tall boy. He carried him into his little bed-cabin. Tucked him in and then fell over, onto Linde, then passed out. As you do.

|| Same fucking spot but its 03.21 ||

Linde wake. His dread man senses alerted him. He herd a noise coming from outside the tourbuss. After they had all gone to bed Gas drove them to a reststop so there is no way people could mess with them. But thats when a thought entered his half asleep finn mind.. Could it be..Gas?

Linde snuck out of bed, which was a task because Ville was still on him. He easily slid out tho, Ville drools when he sleeps after drinking. He tucked Ville in his bed, patted his head and went outside. He squinted, as it was dark. He would have squinted anyways so there is nothing differenet about that really. He kept the bussdoor open incase he had to run back inside. Linde herd a beeping noise coming from behind the buss. Maybe just a cricket, or a frog he thought. He stepped with confidence over to the back. 

His jaw dropped, he was speachless. He could not believe what is standing infront of his very eyes. His finnish, tall man, baby eyes. 

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