Janani looked nervously between her parents

"You know what we want to talk about Janani" It was her mother who began the conversation

"Yes" Janani admitted not seeing any benefit in playing dumb

"What about Vikram??" Her mother asked and Janani sighed

"We broke up ma. Its been two years now and I have moved on" Janani said

"But he still thinks that you two will get back together"

"I have never encouraged him in that belief ma. I have made it clear for him that there would be no reconcilation. It is not my fault if he cannot understand that." Janani said

"But.. "

"Maa.Whose happiness is more important for you?? Mine or Vikram's??" Janani asked hurt that her mother couldn't see that her happiness is not with Vikram

"Ofcourse yours Janani. When you two broke up two years ago it was you who was more hurt than Vikram. It was plain for everyone seeing. I don't know what happened between you two, but when I saw Vikram wanted to get back with you, I thought that would make you happy. I thought that's what you want and you are just keeping him away because you are angry" Sharadha explained seeing the hurt on her daughter's face

"I no longer love Vikram ma. Whatever it was between us, its long over now. If a marriage with Vikram is what you want, I will agree for that ma. But I would never be happy in that life" Janani said

"You will be happy with Armaan??" her father who had been silent since they came into the room finally spoke

Janani lowered her eyes feeling shy all of a sudden and her father chuckled seeing the tell tale signs of blush on her cheeks

"Aap sharma rahi hei kya Janani??"

"Papa...aap bhi na"

"Your happiness is what matters for us Janani. Never think otherwise okay" Sharadha said taking her daughter in a bear hug

"We like Armaan.. And we believe he will keep you happy" her father said

"Thank you so much papa. Thankyou ma" Janani said as tears of joy formed in her eyes

"Lets not waste time crying. Let us go and inform damad ji about our decision and put him out of misery" Sharadha said wiping her own tears

They walked out into the living room too see both the kids playing sitting on the floor and Armaan and Aditya engaged in a serious discussion on MS Dhoni's recent retirement from cricket

Men!! Janani shook her head

As soon as Armaan saw the trio coming he stood up from where he was sitting and looked at Janani's parents waiting for their response

The expressionless face of Harshvardhan Trivedi is not in the least helping and Armaan realised he hadn't been half this nervous when he made his first business deal ten years ago

Well!! This is not a mere business deal. This is his life. What did he even expect??

"Sharadha..bring some sweets for daamad ji.Let's begin with something sweet" Harsh vardhan Trivedi said with a smile and a grin broke out on Armaan's face

"Daamad ji??" Aditya let out a dramatic gasp earning an eye roll from Janani. She seems to do that quiet a lot while in Aditya's company

"Is that what you were talking inside. And you knew about it and didn't tell me??" Aditya turned his accusing look towards Armaan

"How can I tell you a family matter without knowing whether I'm supposed to tell you or not??" Armaan asked

"I'm family. I have been practically living in this house for as long as I remember" Aditya said offended

"And have been a thorn in my side ever since" Janani added throwing a stink eye at him

"Jiju... See how cruel she is. Why are you even marrying her" Aditya returned the look

"Jiju??" Janani asked raising an eyebrow at Aditya

"His misfortune, he has decided to marry you ,my di. So that makes him my jiju" he said

"That's right saale saab" Armaan said earning a grin from Aditya

Aditya sat on the couch and crossed his legs in a manly way and relaxed

"Now that I'm Armaan Verma's brother in law, my internship at Verma constructions is confirmed" he said with a smug smile

Sharadha came back with home made sweets and first fed Armaan followed by Janani and then the kids.

Armaan took out the velvet box from his pocket looked at everyone

"With your blessings" he said and opened the box revealing the beautiful diamond encrusted ruby ring and a half eternity band made of rose gold he had bought for Janani

He had been to seven jewellers before he found the perfect ring for Janani which is not too extravagant as he know she would't prefer them

Janani gasped as she saw the beautiful ring nestled in the velvet box

To her further amazement Armaan dropped onto his knees in front of her and she cupped her mouth in disbelief

"Janani Trivedi. Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world??" Armaan asked looking earnestly into her eyes

Her parents looked on in aww and Aditya grinned and captured the moment in his phone

"Janani??" He asked again seeing her still looking at him in wonder

"Oh yes" she whispered and he happily slid the ring on to her finger

"Oh yes" she whispered and he happily slid the ring on to her finger

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Hola gals...

Oh I loved this ring. I couldn't stop myself from posting it.

So Armaan officially proposed her... On his knees ,with the ring💍

Don't worry... A love confession will defenitely be there in the future

Did you guys like Aditya??

Pls do vote and comment

Love you all ❤️

Also a happy news.

"Bound By Love" secured second place in the romance category of Golden Borough Awards

"Bound By Love" secured second place in the romance category of Golden Borough Awards

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
BOUND BY LOVE [Completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ